Day 2-The Descent

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As darkness fell upon the battlefield, bodies of the dead and wounded littered the battlefield. Their distant pleas for help echoed across the battlefield. Large pyres illuminated the night's sky as the forces of humanity burn the dead. Every so often a Las shot would ring out across the eerie battlefield as Kriegsmen wade through the bodies killing any Covenant that still drew breath. UNSC medics rush around trying to save what wounded they can including Kreigmen, much to the dismay of the Quartermaster's who accompanied them.

The Covenant were now in a fall retreat after the arrival of the Human air support. They retreated back towards their command spire, the Death Korps of Krieg and UNSC began gunning the them down ruthlessly, leaving no survivors. Saxon impaled an elite with his power sword as it tried to pathetically crawl away. Saxon stared as the sorry excuse of flesh as it clawed at its fleeing comrades crying out, begging one of them to save it, Saxon felt nothing but disgust as he twisted his sword deeper into its chest ceasing its pitiful existence. "Hold your fire!" The Commissar yelled as she watched the enemy fee. "Don't waste your ammo, their time will come" she said. Saxon held up his hand to signal the order. The Kriegsmen instantly halted their advance, almost robotically. The UNSC puzzled by what their allies are doing slowly began to stop firing. The last of the Covenant reached the command spire shutting the door behind them. Lieutenant Markus appeared behind the command squad laughing as he approached "I can't believe we did! We pushed them back and sealed them in their own tomb!" The Commissar shot him a stern look "The fights not over yet Lieutenant" "Saxon tell the men to dig in and prepare for a counter attack" Saxon saluted and rushed of to make preparations taking Scorch with him.

Saxon awoke, it was early in the morning the sun barely penetrating the morning fog. The carnage of the battlefield from the day before had died down only leaving smouldering wreckages . The Death Korps of Krieg and the UNSC worked throughout the night to burn the dead, digging defence networks and trenches of their own preparing for a counter attack that never came. Saxon sat up from his makeshift cot. He struggled to get to his feet, his breathing was sharp, every muscle and nerve felt as if it was on fire. He took another shot of morphine to numb the pain before making his way through the trenches. As he walked through the new hastily built trench network making his way to the command spire, Saxon looked at the state of his men each and everyone of them were occupied with a task, wasting no time to prepare the defences in case of a counter attack. Saxon could feel a slight spike in the overall mood of his men, almost like a sense of excitement. The Death Korps are well known for their siege warfare and defence capabilities and it shows. Large trenches now zigzaged across the Fortress around what used to be the gate house, mortar and heavy weapons positions had been dug out, barbed wire and mines were now placed at the entrance. The Death Korps of Krieg had not been idle as they regrouped and rearmed, waiting for their orders. The same could be said for the UNSC they began airdropping supplies and materials to help their new allies. Medics helped out in the aid stations section of the trenches, their expertise outshining the Kreigsmen medics. Saxon passed countless soldiers who hurried past him or sat in dugouts waiting impatiently for orders. They should no emotion, their masks covered any sense of the word but Saxon could tell they were tired, at the brink Saxon was too. Faith was all they had left. Faith that the end is in sight. Faith in the Emperor. Faith in each other.

"All we know about the command spire is that it's a labrinth on tunnels and corridors, from what we scanned it goes down all the way to the planets core. We believe the control room is on that floor." Lieutenant Markus explained as the stood outside the looming command spire. "the corridors are too small for our armour, we'll have to go in on foot" "We'll have to fight them tooth and claw, they'll have home field advantage our casualties will be high too many kill zones and choke points" The Commissar listed the fears they were all thinking. Saxon nodded along "We'll have to go in by platoons. Clear this place floor by floor, room by room until we complete our objective" he said with no emotion. He turned "Lieutenant, the Death Korps of Krieg thank you for your service, we'll take it from it this is our burden to bear, your forces will stay on the surface with our armoured elements and prepare for a counter attack, I will leave some of my men here to assist in our defence." The Lieutenant went to interject but stopped himself, he understood what Saxon was asking. He nodded "Very well Major, the surviving members of Titan squad will accompany you as well as a scientist who will be able access the Covenant controls. We shall hold as long as we can, good luck Kriegsmen." And with he left saluting the Commissar as he walked back to the trenches. The Commissar watched him go before turning back to Saxon "Are you sure it was wise not to bring them with us, they know our enemy more then us?" She asked inquisitively. Saxon stood silent, slightly shaking his hand tightly gripping his pistol grip. "There comes a time in our life when we must carry out our duty and if need be lay down our lives for it, my men and I know that feeling well. I have that feeling now, my men can feel it too. Whatever lays behind that door it will determine the 186ths future. We have to face it alone. I feel the god Emperor's hand guiding my own. We must do this. We must do this alone, do you feel it to Sabrina?" The Comissar was too stunned to speak, her eyes wide. "I feel it too Saxon, let us see what fate beholds us behind this door".

Platoons of Kriegsmen stood at attention before the command spires door. Engineers moved down the lines handing additional ammo and grenades. " I want every soldier to have additional las pack's and krak grenades and frag grenades." The Commissar yelled in front of the amassed soldiers. Grenadiers cracked open weapons crates pulling out an assortment of melta and plasma guns before joining their brothers in arms. Saxon stood a front of his men with the UNSC scientist and the survivors of Titan squad. He began addressing his men "Men of Krieg, we are so close to our objective, to going home! Our objective lays behind this door, we shall be assaulting it by platoons. After 15 minutes another platoon will follow taking another route. One way or another we are making it to that command room. You will protect the UNSC scientist with your life. Is that understood!" "Sir! Yes Sir!" Erupted from the assembled platoons.

Saxon unsheathed his las pistols turning towards the door. His command squad accompanied by 4th platoon and a contingent of engineer's will be the first to enter the command spire. The UNSC scientist and the marines from Titan squad accompanied them. Saxon nodded at the Scientist to open the door. The large armoured door screeched as it began to lift up. Saxon began to pray as the door opened. He could feel an unknown force pulling him towards the spire. "I offer my life to the Emperor, I pray that He accepts it.I offer my strength to the Emperor, I pray that he redresses it.I offer my blood to the Emperor, I pray that it quenches His thirst. I offer my body on the altar of the battlefield, I pray He grants me a noble death. I pray for His protection, as I offer all that I am." His platoon slowly began to march into the dark unknown with strength and faith blazing in the hearts. Their regiments future hung on in the balance as they defiantly marched on.

Authors note- hey guys, I know this chapter is shorter then normal but i would like your opinions on the next coming chapters. Would you guys prefer shorter but more frequent chapters or longer chapters that will take longer to type?
Hope you're enjoying the series so far! -Datguy

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