The Belly of the Beast

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The command spire consisted of a labyrinth of twisting and turning corridors, perfect for ambushes and choke points, every once in awhile it would open up into a large room with catwalks and railings above. These rooms were covered in Covenant technology, their purpose unknown. Saxon and his command squad accompanied by the UNSC escort make there way through the corridors. The atmosphere was tense. They had been in the command spire for 2 hours now and they were no closer to finding a way to the command room. The sounds of las fire echo throughout the corridors, distant screams and roars can be heard faintly through the walls making the Kriegsman be on constant guard. Saxon opened another door leading to another section, the lights flickered, "it seems another platoon has been through here" he whispers as he steps over a brutes corpse.

The corridor was bathed in a red flashing light, scorch marks on the walls, with bodies of both sides covering the floor. The smell of singed flesh filled the air causing the Commissar to gag. Heavy chuckled "first time?" He asked. The Commissar shot him a look while putting her respirator back on "shut it Heavy" she replied. They carefully stepped over the bodies, trying not to disturb their resting places. Blood squelched under their boots. One Kriegsmen drew the group's attention in particular, a lone engineer who made it further then the rest, his body was leaned up against a wall just before a turning. The group approached the Engineer, a trail of blood followed him from around the corner to where he laid to rest. He had dragged himself around the corner to get away from whatever was attacking him, his shotgun still in his gasp the shells littered around him like he was rushing to reload. The most startling thing about the Engineer was that his armour had fused to his skin from a large plasma burn as well a deep gash across his chest. His mask half covering his face, his lifeless eyes gazed towards the corridors turning, his mouth still dripping with blood. Static crouched next the Engineer readjusting the dead Kriegsmens mask back over the Engineers face. "Your fight is over,my friend" he said before taking the Engineers demo charge from the corpses backpack. They rest of the command squad bowed their heads in respect. The command squad moved forward with Titan squad with 4th platoon following closely behind acting as the rear guard. They stop before the corner "Static, take private Johnson and Smith from Titan squad and clear that corner!" The Commissar ordered. Static carried out the order without objection, the two UNSC marines stacked up behind Static as they pressed up against the wall. Static held up three fingers, slowly counting down before pushing of the wall and going round the corner the two marines followed behind. The command squad waited, their guns raised waiting for the all clear.

Gunfire erupted from the corridor, a bloodcurdling roar echoed through the corridors. The command squad edged closer to the corner. The sound of a plasma weapon discharges with a deafening boom. The command squad turned the corner just as the two UNSC marines lifeless corpses fly through the air knocking Saxon and the Commissar to the ground. "Hunter!" Corporal Griffin yelled as he opened fired.

Saxon struggled to remove private Smith's smouldering body off him. The rest of the command squad opened fired on the beast. The Hunter roared in anger as he flung Static away landing hard on the floor, las rounds pinged effortlessly off its thick armour, even Heavy's heavy stubber seemed to only piss it off. The avalanche of muscle began to lumber its way down the corridor, it could have easily killed them with another plasma blast but it seemed enraged almost longing for a fight. The Commissar defiantly got up standing her ground firing her bolt pistol at the Hunter. The beast barrelled towards the Commissar slightly staggering with each bolt round, using its shielded arm it easy swatted get away rag dolling her into the wall, Saxon drew his power sword narrowly avoiding the hunter swing. Saxon began hacking at the beast, his command squad jabbed at the beast with their bayonets aiming for its exposed flesh. The Hunter fought like an animal slamming its powerful limbs around, every attempt to get behind the beast was met by a armoured fist to the chest. The command squad began to withdraw back down the main corridor. The group traded blows with the creature. Their attempts to subdue the beast were futile sooner or later it would overpower them. Saxon tried to of solutions as he dodged a fury of attacks suddenly the Hunter picked up Heavy by the throat and launched him at the others, knocking them over. The creature loomed over them raising its monstrous limbs above his head ready to bring them down on Saxon. Just then Static who had previously unconscious, left alone by the Hunter fired his lasgun at its head, the shots effortlessly pinged off. The Hunter clearly enraged by this slowly turned to face Static, Static held his gun in one hand the other clutching his stomach that was bleeding profusely, his trench coat scorched and torn his leg dragging behind him. "Hey ugly!" Static yelled. The Hunter roared charging at him. Static kept firing at the beast. "In life, war! In death, peace!In life, shame! In death, atonement!" Static yelled as The Hunter bore down on him, he lowered his aim in the last minute as he shot the demo charge that had been lying on the floor just as the Hunter stepped over it. The explosion enveloped the two, smoke and dust filled the corridor. The corridor shook violently, chunks of rubble fell from the ceiling the lights flickered and cut out. Everything faded into darkness.

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