The Duel

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"Sector clear!" Scorch yelled lowering his shotgun. The room was empty, nothing could be heard except a strange mechanical humming, as countless wires and terminals littered the room running up into a central containment orb suspended above the room.
A large centralised computer sat positioned in front of the orb. "I can send the message from that terminal there, according to the schematics that centre console controls the machine. Once activated it should punch through to your reality allowing your forces to reinforce us" The Scientist explained. The remaining forces or the imperium stared blankly at the scientist. "Well get on with it then" the Commissar gestured to the machine.

Saxon stood at the door they came from. His fist resting against the door. The sound of gunfire had stopped for awhile now. "Are you with me Saxon?" The Commissar enquired, " yes Commissar I am with you" Saxon replied hesitating before pushing of the wall. Saxon spun around studying his surroundings. "The Adeptus Mechanicus would have a field day in here" he muttered. "The question is what happened to the Covenant that were in this command room?" The Commissar said coldly, her hand gripping her bolt pistol. "maybe they ran away?" Scorch shrugged. "I'm in" the Scientist announced interrupting the group. "All we have to do is start the machine, punch a whole into your reality and your ship should be able to send a message through" they explained. The screen in front of him began to flash red "All you we have to do now is press-" the scientist fell silent with a crackle of electricity filling the air. The group froze, the mood suddenly becoming eerie.  Scorch slowly approached the Scientist slowly, shotgun slightly raised "hey? You okay?". At this point Scorch was standing directly behind the scientist. He nudged the Scientist with his shotgun barrel. The Scientist gurgled before a fleshy tear began to form across his torso, cleaving him in two slumping to the ground. Scorch turned to run "active camouflage-" he managed to scream before an unseen force plucked him up and launched him into a wall with a meaty thwack. He didn't get up.
Saxon and the Commissar open fired at Unseen assailant hitting nothing but the wall behind. The two stood back to back in the centre of the room their weapons raised ready to fire at any movement "Scorch, Scorch, Scorch! Get up Dammit" Saxon yelled. There was no response, Scorch's body laid in a heap across the room.

"It seems we aren't alone after all, Saxon" the Commissar hissed as they scanned the room for their assailants. A deep voice bounced around the room the pair frantically aiming at the slightest bit of movement "Your destruction is the will of the prophets and I am their instrument." Saxon fired wildly into the shadows "show yourself Xeno!" He yelled, "Steady yourself Major" the Commissar snapped before addressing the room "Ado 'Vasov I assume? I've heard so much about you, the butcherer of reach the UNSC call you" she pauses "you disappoint me." Shooting a look at Saxon. She grits her teeth "You're nothing but a vile Xeno that lurks in The shadows. Pitiful. I thought I'd be in for a challenge not some glorified game of hide and seek."

Silence filled the room, nothing but the humming of the machines can be heard. The silence was shattered by an almighty roar, three elites descended from a large cable the supported the containment orb, landing in front of the duo. Ado 'Vasov loomed over the pair flanked by two honour guards all three equipped with energy swords. "Any last words, human?" The ultra sneered. The Commissar began to rev her Chainsword, tightening her grip around her bolter "Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean!" She screamed, the pair charged at the Xeno's. Ado 'Vasov faintly gestured his hand towards the duo back ing up slowly, as the two honour guards advance. The Commissar began unloading her bolt pistol onto the approaching honour guard, the Bolt rounds harmlessly impacting on its shields. The elite raised his energy sword to cleave the Commissar in half, the Commissar closed the distance bringing her chainsword to bear, easily deflecting the sword, turning slightly, she shoulder barges the elite causing it to become of balance, before it has time to recover she shoves her bolt pistol into its mandibles, squeezing the trigger blowing its head into a fine red mist. Before the elites body hit the floor Ado 'Vasov hand grasped her throat before throwing her across the room, dropping her bolt pistol in the process.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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