The Encounter

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The battle was fierce, bodies littered the ground in unnatural positions, a mixture of oil and blood formed disgustingly beautiful coloured puddles consisting of red, blue and purple blood filled impact craters on the ground, small fires burned all around the drill site. Fragments of the destroyed ship acted as makeshift barricades as the two side fought desperately.

Saxon and his men charged valiantly into the fray unfortunately,the Xeno's were unable to react in time as the Death Korps of Krieg slammed into their flank firing their las guns with pin point accuracy even while they were charging. Saxon cut down two of the smaller aliens with ease thrusting his power sword between its collar bone and neck, gurgling as it died while blowing a small hole in another's head. Saxon paused briefly to look at the alien he had killed with his sword. It was a dark skinned creature with wrinkled and cracked skin with some kind of breathing apparatus on its back attached to its face, it's lifeless beady eyes stared up a Saxon. He removed his sword from its carcass before continuing the fight.

The Soldiers of Krieg smashed into the enemy's lines like a wave crashing upon a cliff face. They tore through the aliens thrusting their bayonets into the Xeno's bodies until they stopped moving before moving onto the next. The aliens had now composed themselves after this surprise attack and began to return fire. The Kriegsmen were unfazed by this and continued their assault. The Commissar stood on top of a piece of wreckage hurling insults at the Xeno's while firing her bolt pistol erratically. The Kriegsmen spurred on by the the Commissars courage quickly crushed what remaining Aliens were left. Saxon was now standing a few metres across from the enemy leader, it yelled at him angrily before grabbing one of its fleeing Comrades snapping its neck effortlessly for its cowardice. Before Saxon could stop them two Kriegsmen rushed past Saxon bayonets ready. They fired their las gun at the Alien leader, their shots evaporated upon impact. Saxon noticed the Alien glowing blue ever so slightly when damaged. The Alien moved with lighting fast reflexes, severing one soldier in half. The Kriegmen screamed as his torso was separated from his body. Saxon looked on in anger as the other soldier tried to plunge his bayonet into the aliens side but his blade broke upon impact. The alien peered at its attacker before picking the Kriegsmen up by the throat, lifting him off the ground. Saxon raised his pistol to try and help but his rounds seemed ineffective against the Alien. The creature let out a roar as it disembowelled the captive Kriegsmen before tossing the dead soldier towards Saxons feet. The creature was taunting him, Saxon gripped his sword tightly, rage filled the Major as he looked at the lifeless body of Trooper 346-9 that rested at his feet. Before Saxon could react a commanding voice filled the battlefield snapping Saxon out of his rage filled state "Major! that Xeno filth has some kind of personal shield" The Commissar yelled. Saxon looked at the Commissar who was a covered in blood and mud standing defiantly as she fired her bolt pistol at the fleeing Aliens. Saxon upon hearing this found his composure, the Creature began to the charge Saxon with a bellowing roar. "Heavy! Give this Xeno scum the whole nine yards!" Saxon ordered. Heavy pushed his way to Saxons side before levelling off his heavy stubber. The weapon erupted in a blaze of muzzle flashes and bullets, hitting the Alien repeatedly, at first it seemed ineffective as the Alien continued its advance but then the alien began to stagger back from the barrage of bullets, its glow changed from blue to red before fracturing and deactivating. Saxon could have sworn he could he Heavy laugh as he fired his Heavy stubber as the Aliens shield broke, riddling it with bullets. Before long Heavy's Weapons barrel was glowing red and his gun was out of ammo. The Saxon stood over the crippled body of the Alien leader, its breathing was shallow and laboured, purple blood poured from its wounds, it stared up at Saxon with fear in its eyes. The Commissar crouches beside the creature studying it before shoving her bolt pistols barrels into its mouth "Block this Xeno scum" She said in muffled voice due to the respirator before squeezing the trigger, exploding the creatures head instantly, blood sprayed onto the Commissar's face with a wet thud. Saxon couldn't help but be amused by this.

Before they could catch their breath or utter a word to each other Sarge yelled out to the pair from behind a large piece of wreckage that had been obscuring their veiw from the larger engagement "Sir? Ma'am?we have a situation over here!" Saxon, The Commissar and heavy rushed over to sarges position, the battlefield had gone silence which worried Saxon, they turned a corner to see the dust had settled, all remaining Xeno's had been killed or fled. All that was left the two human forces standing in front of each other, guns raised. The atmosphere was tense both sides were exhausted and twitchy from the engagement, both sides constantly shifting their weapons at whoever aims at them. The Commissar lowed her gun before stepping out in front of the Death Korps of Krieg peeling of the respirator to reveal her face, that's when Saxon realised how the situation looked to them a unknown masked force had just slaughtered a bunch of Aliens and was now facing off against them. They had every right to be tense. "Alpha stand down!" He ordered, his men shared looks among themselves before hesitatingly lowering their weapons. Sarge shot Saxon a look of uncertainty before lowering his "Trust me" Saxon said while gesturing him to lower his weapon. A soldier in blackened amour nodded at his men, they two lowered their weapons and turned their vehicles off. The same soldier then stepped forward as well, standing directly opposite the Commissar, taking his helmet off in the process. He was young man maybe in his late twenties with a shaven head except for the top which was slicked back with brown eyes. He smiled "Thanks for the assist, I'm Lieutenant Marcus of ODST, fireteam Gamma of the UNSC Winters Sorrow and you must be lost?" The Commissar glared at the Soldier unsure what to make of the Situation "Lieutenant Marcus was it? We are the 186th Death Korps of Krieg and I'm Commissar Serena Blazkowicz of the imperium, Where in the emperor's name are we? And what are those Xeno's?". The Lieutenant now had a puzzled expression on his face as he spoke "now I don't know about no Emperor Ma'am but this godforsaken place is Arcadia and these ugly bastards" he kicks one of the dead aliens "are the covenant, we have a lot of catching up to do if we're going to survive this hell hole but first we need to get out of here before more of them arrive!".

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