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A week had past since the firefight at the covenant drill site. The forces of the imperium were still no closer to finding out how they got to Arcadia. However, not all is lost the Dauntless had regained its propulsion systems and is now positioned itself within the derelict ship graveyard to avoid detection. It's weapons systems are operational and it's shield's are still being repaired. The ship may be damaged but even a wounded animal can still be dangerous.

Saxon, Captain Kenway, Commissar Blazkowicz and the Archmagos pondered over the deactivated halo map where a small rectangular device sat. It had been handed to the Commissar by the ODST trooper they fight alongside with. " Lieutenant Marcus said this data drive has all the information the UNSC on the covenant. However, we were separated by a covenant response force, before we separated he gave us coordinates to a Rendezvous point" the Commissar explained to the others. The Archmagos fascinated by the device excitedly pick it up, examining its exterior "01001001 00100000 01110111 01101001 01101100 01101100- I mean I will begin transferring the devices contents onto all available data slates so our troops will prepared for the next engagement" his metallic tone echoing slightly. As he briskly exited the command deck. Saxon watched him go before turning to the Captain " Sir, what is the status of my regiment?" "well Saxon we've repaired most of our transports so we're available to deploy majority of our tanks and troop transports as well as our artillery. Sadly our heavy detachment suffered heavy damage and won't be able to provide fire support for awhile". Saxon was saddened to not have access to his most powerful vehicles of his arsenal. But he was happily to finally be able to have some armour on the ground. "very well Captain we'll make do with what we've got, Commissar what's our next objective?". The Commissar was deep in thought leaning over the holomap as she answered "I believe our next step is to Rendezvous with these UNSC soldiers and see what they know, then we establish a FOB on the planet surface and dig in. Bringing the Emperor's divine justice to this plane" Saxon nodded agreeing with her orders. " Major after the Archmagos has transferred the data make sure it is distributed almost the men so we know what we're up against, dismissed Major". the Major saluted  in compliance "As soon as it's ready Commissar my men and I will begin preparing we will be ready for our next engagement". Saxon robotically turned and left the command deck.

As soon as he left the Commissar turned to the Captain "Captain Keyway, I have been wondering about the Major and his men" The Captain raised an eyebrow "is that so Commissar?" " why is it the Death Korps of Krieg wear their mask even around around the ship, I don't even see them in the mess hall why is that?" The Captain let out a little chuckled before answering "Don't take it personally Commissar, the men of Krieg are a antisocial bunch, they only remove their mask around each other and it's very rare for an outsider to see them without it" he takes a swig out a hip flask previously hidden in his jacket "you know I've only seen Saxons face three times in the 8 years I've served alongside him, they say for a soldier Krieg to show you their face they must trust you first but even then". He shrugged his shoulders. The Commissar listened intently while the Captains spoke absorbing every word he said. "so how do you gain their trust?" She asked inquisitively, Konrad smirked once more slightly amused by her line of questioning "now even I don't know the answer to that Commissar and even if I did you got to earn their trust by your own actions" The Commissar still puzzled but satisfied with his answer "Thank for your insight Captain it was very much appreciated, now if you excuse me I'm going to the hanger to provide guidance for the men for the battles to come" and with that the two saluted as she departed. Konrad watched her go smiling to himself while shaking his head slightly as he turned back towards his duties.

The men of Krieg made planetfall, once more descending onto the planets surface this time in greater numbers. Saxon didn't want to bring a large force but enough of a presence to handle anything that the covenant could throw at them. Multiple transports soared through the air carrying various troops and vehicles such as a squad of engineers, three Leman Russ battle tanks and some chimeras for troop transport accompanied buy multiple squads of infantry and Saxons personal command squad. This operation is being under the ever watchful eye of the Commissar which once more accompanied the 186th Death Korps of Krieg regiment. Small patrols of covenant were easily gunned down by the Valkyries door gunners firing their heavy bolter's indiscriminately before they had a chance to report the incursion. The forces of the imperium quickly disembarked when they landed. They had been dubbed Easy Company as it combined multiple units into one task force. Easy company formed into a convoy quickly and efficiently with armour and transports in the middle, infantry along the sides to provide protection on the flanks. Saxon and his command squad stationed themselves at the front on the convoy with a Leman Russ following them behind. Progress was slow as they made their way to the rendezvous with the UNSC forces, once more a thick mist had rolled in obscuring Easy Companies position as they marched through the dense forest. Saxon made note that the path they were using is well trodden meaning something had to have came through here. He ordered Static to radio the rest of the convey to keep their guard up. The Commissar sat in the Leman Russ's turret that was behind the command squad as they advanced scanning the tree line with the mounted heavy stubber.

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