Day 1-The Assault

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For days now the forces of the imperium have been quietly making trips between the Dauntless and Arcadia. The 186th has now almost entirely been deployed on the planet, it's counter parts still in the process of being transported. Tanks and artillery arrived everyday at the newly constructed Firebase Charlie. The firebase was located in the shadow of the UNSC mountain base to provide security and cover as they prepare to assault the Covenant fortress. The Death Korps of Krieg sat in staggered huddles to avoid attention, small fires dimly lit the groups. Low chatter could be heard around the Firebase, some used the fires to recharge their las packs others discretely ate their corpse starch rations. The Commissar sat away from the Kriegsmen sitting up against a Chimera's hull,smoking a Cheroot and studying her data slate. The command squad sat around her with a fire keeping them warm. Each of them cleaning their weapons intently preparing for the battle to come.

Saxon approached the group nodding towards to the Commissar before addressing his squad "Aright lads, Just got word from the UNSC according to their reconnaissance the Convent ship, Unyielding Faith, has left its position over the Covenant fortress. This means our window is officially open. In two days we are to rendezvous with the UNSC forces". At first there was silence, everyone was tense unsure what to say. Heavy broke the silence, beginning to laugh quietly to himself "Good! I was getting bored with sitting around all day " he cocked his heavy Stubbers charging handle. They whole squad began to laugh, the sound muffled by their gas masks, causing the Commissar to jump, even Saxon let out an amused sigh. "Shall I inform the men, Ma'am?" Sarge asked after the laughter died down. The Commissar looked around the Firebase before taking a large puff of her Cheroot speaking as she exhaled "No Sarge, let the men have tonight. This is the first time we've had time to breathe on this planet. Let them enjoy it".

The time had come for the forces of the Imperium and the UNSC to assault the fortress. The two legendary forces have mustered everything they had, every able bodied soldier, every weapon and vehicle had amassed in preparation of the assault. The Death Korps of Krieg had deployed three thousand of its men on the planet surface with another thousand in reserve ready to strike in lightning strikes. Supporting them the UNSC had mustered one thousand marines and five hundred ODST.  Rows and rows on vehicles stood behind the infantry ranging from Leman Russ, Chimeras and Sentinels to Scorpions, Warthog's and Mantises. Saxon stood in awe at the army in front of him, impressed by the display of fire power they were able to gather in such a short amount of time. He turned towards the objective ahead, the fortress loomed over him even at this distance the fortress was huge. Between the Combined forces of the Imperium and the UNSC and the Covenant fortress was a large open field littered with derelict forerunner structures and rocks that offered little to no cover. Even if they make it across they have to deal with a network of Covenant trench like structures and fortified energy weapon positions before they reach the first gate. A top of the first wall was various shade turrets and other Anti Air weapons making an air attack impossible. So naturally the first objective is to take out the first line of defence and the Anti Air to allow for air support.

The Covenant were aware of their presence. Saxon watched as countless Covenant troops manned their defensive positions. Saxon knew they wouldn't attack. "All they have to do is wait" he thought. The Commissar grabbed Saxons shoulder as she stood beside him. Saxon could feel her shaking. He could sense her unease. He too felt the same way unsure about the battle to come. "Are the men ready Saxon?" She asked "they were born for this Commissar, they are ready to fight in his name and die if need be for the Emperor's vision." Saxon replied proudly. The Commissar sallowed "very well Saxon commence the attack when your ready" as she goes to leave Saxon gently grabbed her arm "Serena" he paused "The men are restless. Could you offer some guidance before the battle". The Commissar smiled weakly "That's the first time you called me by my name" she walked away climbing a large boulder that oversaw the Soldiers of Krieg. Saxon ordered Static relay whatever she said over the voxcaster so every Kriegsman could hear . Saxon joined the Commissar on the boulder. The men of Krieg stood at attention in neatly organised rows, they stood in silence looking up at the Commissar as she made her speech.

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