The New Arrival

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After a pyrrhic victory on Trinity Prime the Death Korps of Krieg returned to their ship to regroup and reorganise after a local PDF force in the sector assumed control of the Agri-world. On board the Mars Class Battle Cruiser called Dauntless, which had one of its flight decks modified into a barracks for the Death Korps of Krieg regiment as well as elements of their supporting units. The men of Krieg worked tirelessly to fix their equipment and help the wounded so they are battle ready at any given time.

Saxon sighed as he rose from his bunk after resting for a short time. He was given a officers cabin but he never liked it. He preferred to stay with his men. Saxon walked over to his locker. Upon opening it he changed into his officer uniform. After changing Saxon walked over to his desk. On his desk laid a range of weapons in all different stages of dismantlement and cleaning. A small shine sat next to them to calm and please the machine spirits within. Among these weapons was the las pistol of the former Commissar still in its holster. Saxons respirator laid next to it. Saxon stared at it for a moment. Saxon looked up from the desk and into the mirror above it glancing at himself. Saxon was quite a handsome man with blonde hair which shaven on the back and sides, he had piercing blue eyes and a long scar running down his face from the centre of his right eyebrow to his cheek, passing over his right eye. A memento from a Flayed one from the attack of Hieronymous. Saxon often felt his gas mask was his true face and felt uncomfortable with it off. Saxon put on his helmet and respirator. He armed himself with his trusty hot shot las pistol and power sword. He glanced back at the dead Commissars las pistol. He hesitates before reaching out and attaching it to his belt. "no point leaving a good pistol go to waste" he thought. Suddenly the ships in intercom crackles to life "Major 274-9 report to the command deck immediately" a metallic voice echoed throughout the ship.

Saxon marched onto the command deck, the command deck itself was full of servitors hooked into various machines and consoles around the command deck. In the centre was a large holomap that displayed a 3D image of the ship in orbit. Standing over the table was Captain Konrad Kenway of the imperial navy. He was a slender man with a rugged face and an argument eye that glowed a menacing red. He looked up as Saxon approached "Ahh Major Saxon, praise the Emperor your victory!" he said in a warm and smooth tone. Saxon saluted at the captain. Saxon respected Captain Kenway and considered him a close ally. "I'm sorry to hear about Commissar 678-2 he always knew how to inspire the crew" he continued. "He was a good soldier" Saxon said coldly. The Captain stares at Saxon trying to read his emotions through the mask. Konrad sighed and takes his hat off before running his  slicked back hair. "There's no easy was to say this Saxon, your regiment needs a replacement Commissar. Command is worried if you don't get one it may cause... unease among your ranks. However, since we're so far from Krieg. The Adeptus Administratum has seen fit to appoint at Commissar straight from the Schola Progenium" Saxon goes to protest. The Captain raises his hand "I know you and your boys don't like outsiders but my hands are tied we have our ordersand,besides their shuttle is on final approach. Major ready your regiment for her arrival. Afterwards we jump for the Scarus Sector. Dismissed". Saxon gritted his teeth under his mask before saluting "yes sir" he turned and Briskly marched out of the command desk.

The Death Korps of Krieg stood in rows at attention on the flight deck of the Mars class Battle Cruiser Dauntless. Among them was rows and rows of infantrymen, heavy weapons teams, death riders and engineers. Beside them, their supporting elements from the  212th Artillery Regiment and the 15th Armoured Regiment with their crews standing in front of their weapons of war. Rows of Leman Russ's and Chimeras in various configurations parked up in parade fashion with Artillery dismantled ready for deployment.
Sadly he was unable to have the Valkyries and transport craft on parade as they were participating in live fire drills for the next assignment.

Saxon was stood front of it them all, beaming with pride at how magnificent his regiment looked. He turned to face the shuttle as it touched down on the flight deck. The ramp opened and out stepped the new Commissar. Saxon recognises the distinctive cap and greatcoat of the Commissar immediately. The Commissar started to approach Saxon, followed by a retinue of Tech-Priest Enginseers. Saxon stood is disbelief "by the throne" he muttered to himself as he saw the Commissar more clearly. Never in his service has he seen a female Commissar before. The Commissar was a attractive blonde haired women tied back in a neat bun, with menacing green eyes. Even Saxon,a soldier of The Death Korps of Krieg, could not deny that. She marched over to him. Saxon saluted and stood at attention, his men followed his example. The Commissar spoke with authority and bluntly "At ease Major 274-9, I'm Commissar Serena Blazkowicz your new Commissar, I have brought with me some Tech-Priest Enginseers courtesy of the Adeptus Mechanicus to help with the repairs." Saxon replied in the same manner "Thank you Commissar Blazkowicz the support is greatly appreciated, would you like status of the regiment?". Saxon gestured towards the lines of Kriegsmen standing at parade. "Lead on Major" said Commissar  Blazkowics. The two began walking down the line's of Kriegmen, stopping every now and then to inspect each element that made up the 186th regiment. "Major 274-9, I've read your reports but I would like you to tell me our status" the Commissar said inquisitively. The Major turned his head to look at the Commissar as they marched down the lines of Leman Russ's before speaking "After our victory on Trinity Prime, we currently have four thousand men combat ready and one thousand wounded, we have the 15th armoured back up to full strength with our super heavy detachment still under repairs." He paused before continuing "we lost 40% of our total strength high-" The Commissar cut him off "They were Men Major not a statistic, some of the Emperors finest...they gave their life's for his vision we must not forget that" Saxon stared at her "there's something different about her" Saxon thought, he nodded at her "I couldn't agree more Commissar they served him well" he became less tense as he spoke "high command deemed it as an acceptable loss so we are continuing our next assignment without reinforcements".

They were now at the other side of the hanger where Saxons personal command squad stood at attention. The Major spoke proudly as he introduced them "Commissar this is my personal command staff they are dependable and some of the best men I have serving under my command" he gestured towards the Command squad of Grenadiers each armed with hotshot lasguns and skull plate masks except a select few who have different armaments. Saxon introduced these personally. "This is my second in command Watchmaster 121-1" the trooper stepped forward and spoke in a dry tone as if he's been yelling at recruits for most of his life, he also carried a las pistol and chainsword on his hip "Pleasure to met you Ma'am most of the men call me Sarge", the second man stepped forward he had a voxcaster and a grenade launcher slung over his shoulders. He spoke quickly and clearly "Vox operator designation 146-7 most people call me Static, Commissar" the Commissar moved to the third man puzzled by his appearance, he was slightly taller then the rest, unusual for a soldier of Krieg, his uniform was stretched tightly around his muscular body, his left arm replaced by a mechanical arm. He carried a large rucksack filled with a variety of ammo and explosives. The Commissar examined the Kriegsmen before asking "Major, up until now your men and you look identical but this man is taller, larger and carrying an unorthodox weapon, why is that?" Before Saxon could answer The large Kriegsmen upon realising they were speaking about him stepped forward removing his Heavy Stubber which was nestled between his arm and shoulder to present to the Commissar. The Kriegsmen spoke in a simple but gentle manner "Trooper 594-7 reporting". The Commissar looked at him puzzled waiting for him to continue but Trooper 594-7 just stared blankly at her, breathing heavily. Just then the Kreigmen next to him stepped forward armed with a long las and spoke up "we call him Heavy ma'am he doesn't speak much and as for his size we think there was a leak in his vitae womb... too much testosterone I think" he spoke an emotionless tone. He saluted before introducing himself "Designation number 594-6, Command squad marksman, code name Havoc". Saxon and the Commissar after inspecting the regiment stood in front of the assembled regiment. "They're magnificent Major, you must be very proud" The Commissar said with a smile. "Thank you Commissar they will deliver the Emperors judgment and with your help you will guide them to atonement" Major said almost complimenting the Commissar.

The ship intercom crackles to life once more "Attention all personnel we will be jumping to Scarus Sector momentarily please secure all decks and prepare to jump" the intercom repeats a this a few times " Commissar Blazkowicz and Major 274-9 please report to the command deck immediately" Major looks at the Commissar awaiting for her command "Duty calls Major lead the way" the Major salutes before leaving,he addresses his men "Dismissed Kriegsmen and secure the deck"
The Commissar and Major make there way to the command deck in complete silence. They reach the bulkhead to the command deck the Commissar stops and turns "Major, I couldn't help but notice your men all have nicknames or code names for each other, do you have one or?" She said with a slight smirk. The Major hesitated before answering "yes Ma'am my name is Saxon, Major Saxon". The Commissar satisfied with his answer nodded "Saxon? The name suits you much better then a number" she briskly turns and walks onto the command deck. Saxon stood in disbelief for once in his life he felt alive, no one has ever complimented his name before. He smirked before quickly composing himself "She's definitely different to other Commissars" he thought before entering the command deck.

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