The Great Wall

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Saxon marched atop of a sea of bodies, wading through them as he made his way to the Fortress's gate. Saxon and his new companions had nearly reached the large, heavily armoured door of the fortress. Some Imperial and UNSC forces had already made it to the door, sticking to the base of the fortress walls to avoid gunfire from the top. A Squad of Death Korps of Krieg Engineers were crouched at the base of the door fiddling with some wires. Saxon slowly approached the Engineers. "Status report!" Saxon ordered startling an Engineer who spun round quickly, it was Scorch with blood spattered all over his mask, blast marks covered his trench coat."Major! The last of the melta charges are being set now, the Commissar has the trigger." He points to a portion of the Covenant defence network that had been fashioned into a Krieg Field command using a pillbox's and dugouts as cover for heavy weapons teams with mortars to provide support elsewhere on the battlefield. Mortars began shelling the battlements of the wall trying to disable the AA, these mortar rounds helped the artillery to range in on the Fortress's walls. More and more AA guns fell silent but even if one remained it would tear the human aircrafts to shreds. Saxon know they had to get inside and destroy the AA on the walls and quickly. More and more troops began to arrive at the entrance of the Fortress. The Covenants outer defences had almost been completely crushed.

Saxon entered the field command, stood before him was his command squad bloodied and rearming themselves. Havoc sat pulling a needler round out of his arm. They look unfazed that Saxon survived, The Commissar stood next Lieutenant Markus with a detonator between them looking out of the pillbox at the Fortress gate. The two turned towards the door, the Commissar smiled at Saxon, moving forward to embrace him but stopping herself she outstretched her hand instead. "Major Saxon I'm glad you're still with us your skills will be needed in the battles to come" Saxon shook her hand "It seems the Emperor still has a plan for me." Saxon replied . The Lieutenant looked at the marines with Saxon, who saluted Markus when they entered "It seems you made some new friends Major" The medic stepped forward "Corporal Griffin reporting. We're the last surviving members of Titan squad. With me are Privates Johnson and Smith Sir!" The Lieutenant saluted the trio "Glad you made it Marines" he replied. The Commissar turned back to the Detonator. "Now you're here  Saxon we will strike while we have the momentum" slamming her fist down. A loud explosion erupts from the gate large chunks of metal flung up into the air, a large smokescreen covers the entrance to the Fortress. The ground shakes from the force, Saxon could feel the tremors through his bones causing immense pain to his ribs. "Scorch always has overdo it" Sarge chuckles and he and the command squad jump to their feet. Everyone prepares to leave, the last surviving members of Titan Squad look nervously among each other before speaking "Lieutenant, permission to stay with Major Saxon,Sir!" The Lieutenant smirked while putting his helmet on "Sure. Why not" and with that he left the pillbox. Sarge inspected the UNSC marines "Keep your head down and follow orders and maybe we'll make Kriegsmen out of you yet." Saxon turned to his squad "Right you heard the Commissar. Move out!". The Command squad now accompanied by the UNSC marines began filing out of the field command heading to the entrance of the fortress.

What used to be the fortress's main gate was now a smouldering hole in the covenants perimeter not only did the Engineers blast open the gate but a large portion of the wall had also collapsed in on itself allowing the vehicles to enter the Fortress with ease. Infantry and tanks flooded into the fortress. Saxon and his squad were right in the centre of it of the fighting. Smoke and fire filled the air. Firefights broke out all over the fortress, it was chaos. Screaming and shouting could be heard from every direction. The smell of plasma lingered in the air "Push Forward! Disable the AA!" Sarge yelled urging the troops around him as they made their way to the wall. Suddenly a Scorpion exploded in front of him. Sarge flew backwards, cartwheeling through the air landing face down on the cold ground. Saxon rushed to his side, dodging shots as he made his way over to his fallen comrade. Sarge laid in a pool of his own blood his right arm completely severed up to his shoulder. Saxon felt a wave of dread wash over him as he turned Sarge over. The sounds of battle went silent, Saxons ears rang, his breathing erratic as he looked at his friends broken body. Rage filled Saxon, he didn't have time to mourn his comrades death, but he promised he will avenge him "Your fight is over, you have atoned" he muttered under his breath. The Commissar stood over the pair silently, Saxon went to pull Sarge's serial number that each Kriegsmen hung around his neck when a hand suddenly grabbed his wrist. "I'm not dead yet, Sir" Sarge weakly wheezed, his breathing laboured and shallow. Griffin, the medic rushed to the Majors side and began administering aid, pulling a can of bio foam out of his Medkit and spraying it onto Sarges stump "that should stop the bleeding, but he needs urgent attention" Saxon watched in amazement of the technology the UNSC has, if it was up to a Quatermaster he would have simply administered the Emperor' Mercy and moved on. Griffin stared at the Major "Sir... Sir?" Snapping Saxon back into the battlefield, "what do you want me to do?" He repeated. Saxon yelled at two nearby Kriegsmen "you two! Get Sarge out of here and back to the field command. Static! get on the Vox to Kenway. Tell him we need some throning fire support!" He yelled. The two soldiers picked Sarge up and began carrying him away. "Make them pay! No retreat! No Mercy!" Sarge yelled as they carried him away. Saxon now relieved his crossed had a chance refocused on the battle that raged around him. Kriegsmen fought all around him firing melta guns at ghosts, blowing up wraiths with demo charges to bringing down hordes of Covenant with mass las fire. UNSC forces used lightning attacks to decimate the covenants forces. Warthogs zoomed around the battlefield firing their chainguns as they drove. Within the hour the forces of humanity had reached the grav lift which led to the top of the wall.

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