Chapter 6

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Jax's POV
It turns out that what I assumed were hallucinations weren't after all. I slapped myself a couple of times to see if I was daydreaming of hallucinating but I wasn't. I hid myself from them as they escaped the household.

I ran back to my room and took a nap.

Andi's POV
After school, I tried to take care of Emma and cover up on all the effects that her sneezes make. Believe me, it was hard enough that I had to struggle with lots of glitter and pink stuff.

"If you need anything, I'm just here playing Zombie Apocalypse 3." I told her. nShe nodded her head and drifted back to sleep.

I continued playing ZA3 until I heard some knocking and loud noises from outside. I left to take a peek. From there, I saw the clones of Emma, Jax, and Maddie and Desdemona having a little chit-chat.

Now let's see what they're up to.

Alfie's POV
For some reason, I was supposed to remember something important. It was so urgent that I had to report it to my fellow Sibuna members. I just forgot what it was. And whatever it was must've caused me to be mute. No one can even understand me. I always had to use my phone.

Author's Note:
Hey! Since I'm finished writing Same Heart, I'm probably gonna update this book every now and then. I'll try my best to update regularly. Thanks for your patience!

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