Chapter 11

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Once the Iridiumites got out of the cellar, Jerome caught them coming out. He was standing right beside the sarcophagus, crossing his arms, and laying his back on the wall.

"What were you doing in the cellar?" he curiously asked.

"Why do you need to know?" Andi retorted. She crossed her arms as well. Her friends know very well that she is the best liar out of all of them.

"You do know that the cellar is out of bounds. I could tell Victor that you were down there. Before you know it, you're grounded." he threatened.

"What does it take for you to leave us alone and shut up about this?" Jax asked. Jerome placed his hands on his pockets and pulled one out and shook it, indirectly telling them to pay up. Andi pulled a few bucks for her pockets and handed it to Jerome.

"Well played." he said before he marched back to his room. He soon noticed that Alfie wasn't there too.


Poof, they landed in Nina's room. By they, I meant Sibuna, the Council, and Victor. It took them a few seconds to realize where they were.

"Why are we here?" Fabian asked.

"Well, I teleported us to where the Chosen One was. Apparently, we landed over here, at Amneris' descendant Chosen One." Agamemnon explained.

Lily tapped on Agamemnon's shoulder to call his attention. She pointed at the brown leathered glowing book at the desk beside Andi and Emma's bed. She walked closer to it and took a glimpse at its surroundings. With just one look, she saw a guardian kit under the desk and a glittery scrapbook. She studied it and found out who it belonged to.

"This is is Andi's guardian kit and this is Emma's scrapbook."

"You know my roommates?" Nina asked.

Lily's eyes widdened. "They're your roommates?"


"Hopefully we payed that guy enough to keep our secret." Diego remarked.

"Speaking of secrets," Andi announced, "I have a secret to tell to you guys. As long as you promise not to tell anyone, even the Council. Correction, especially the Council."

"Andi, what did you do?" Emma asked. By the face her best friend was making, Emma knew she was either up to something or she already did something that isn't right.

"Well, you see; funny story actually. Uh, the Hexoren did me a huge favor this morning by bringing Philip back to life and turning him human."

« Author's Note »
Hey, I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Lily found out that Emma and Andi are actually living in Anubis House and the Hexoren secretly brought Philip back to life and turned him human.

I also edited the way Anubis House looked. Instead of 2 beds per room, I extended the space of the rooms so that it would fit 3-4 beds. I drew a map of the Ground Floor and attached it to this chapter. The map of the second floor is in the making. And just to recap, here are the roommates:

1: Eddie, Fabian, Daniel, & Jax
2: Jerome, Alfie, & Diego
3: Patricia, Mara, Joy, & Maddie
4: Nina, Andi, & Emma

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