Chapter 7

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It's nearly sunset. Andi crept unto the sides of the thorny bushes to spy on the pesky clones running loose. It didn't take very long for her to recognize this tall figure. Most strands of her blonde hair were tightly curled, she wore a dark colored outfit from head to toe, and she was a witch as well. She returned once more, for the third time now. It was Evil Desdemona, if you guessed correctly.

She held a meeting with the other clones and the one who calls herself Spy Master evesdropped on their conversation.

"So, the tears o' gold. What are we going to do with it?" Junior asked. He sat down at the bench nearby, laying back, looking chill.

"Let's recap, shall we." Evil Emma eyed at Desdemona, triggering her lecture.

She started, "Before we get the tears of gold, there's this puzzle we needed to fix. Te only way to enter the first cave was to either solve the puzzle or use the Hexoren. And since we do not have the Hexoren in our hand witch means we have to get our hands on the puzzle pieces. It was in the hands of Ramona, for once, but I cloned it and now we have the cloned pieces."

"We're all full of clones, aren't we?" she accidentally stated. Junior, E, and Desdemona glared at her comment and continued with her lecture.

"All I need you delinquents to do is to fix it. Be clearly informed that magic does not work on pieces like this, even for the Chosen One. So fix it as soon as possible and you can stay with me at the gatehouse if you want, as long as none of those witches, wizards, kanay, or humans see you. Understood?"

"Yep." they all answered.

The wicked witch handed the puzzle to them and told them sternly, "Be here by 10 o' clock sharp by tommorow morning."

They all walked away, leaving Andi shocked and speechless at the corner of the bush. All this time, she was struggling to keep quiet as her every move would make some sort of noise that would probably catch the attention of the villains.

She left the grounds and rushed to her room to find Emma, Jax, Maddie, Diego, and Daniel complete. Emma, Jax, and Maddie were already cured from the flu. They stopped when they saw Andi and greeted her.

"Guys, I have some serious news." she announced. The others were very eager to find out what her big news was and said, "What is it?"

She explained every single detail that she remembered.

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