Chapter 16

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"I saw red eyes." Fabian finished. His friends cracked into hysterical laughters, thinking that the nerd was joking. He rose an eyebrow, unable to believe what he had happened in front of him.

Alfie joked, "Whoo... vampires are in the house. Abort house, abort!"

Little did they know, a mysterious shadow figure was standing at the corner of the room. He had a black cape over his whole body. He was like... it was as if the figure was not human yet it looked so familiar to Fabian. He/She has a similar resemblance to a lion, hippo, and a crocodile... wierd.

At a blink of his eye, it was gone. Just... poof.

"Anyways, I have to go to the Principal's office for some reason. Teachers these days." Alfie shuddered at his last sentence before walking away from the classroom.

He paced through a few rooms before finally reaching the principal's office. "Finally", he thought. He thought it was impossible to stay away from those eighth grade victims of Jerome's money scams. No doubt, they all know Alfie had something to do with it.

He rushes into the Principal's office, panting hard. He drops his bag (and his phone)on the ground as soon as he entered, not bothering to pick it up on the ground any minute now.

"Alfie, you're late." Mr. Sweet pursed his lips, looking at the seemingly tired boy... and the women behind him.

Behind him, Alfie heard the door clicked. Someone locked it but it wasn't him (of course) and it wasn't Mr. Sweet (who was sitting on his desk) so that means it was...

"No, Alfie's just in time." Evil Emma latched her grip into her leather jacket, playfully frowning. She chuckled with another lady on the other side of the room.

"Right. Alfie, we have a special surprise for you." Desdemona lightly touched Alfie's shoulder as the stranded boy was shuddering in fear. Yes, these people are the ones Fabian was talking about: the red eyed villains. "Sweet, bring us the present."

Mr. Sweet brought out what seemed to be an antique. It was a dusty jar which looked used and old. He smirked, which he rarely does, and opened the jar. Alfie's eyes widened at the sight beheld upon him.

At that moment, he was already trying to break the door open for dear life... but it was too late; Ammut already sucked Alfie's soul. His eyes glowed bright red for a second and he evily grinned afterwards.

"Welcome to the gang, Alfie Lewis."


While were still away, Jax decided to spend the moment cuddling with his Em without her roommates disruptions (especially Andi). He flashed in, causing Emma to shriek loudly.

"Jax, stop doing that." she scolded.

He did nothing but chuckle and if you knew Jax, you know that it was what he was expecting in the first place; Emma scolding him because of teasing her by flashing in using magic rather than doing it in a human-ish way (or as Jax calls it, the Miller way).

"I'm sorry, do you want me to leave then?" He started walking towards the door, playfully smiling.

"I'm kidding, stay." she insisted.

At her bed, Emma laid her head on Jax's chest and Jax wrapped his arm around her as they drifted off to sleep. It was only 8:54pm, by the way. But anyways, they would be willing to sleep this early if they wanted to cuddle all night because any minute now, Andi will be coming in-

Right on cue, Andi came in, taking a sight of the cute couple cuddling at the bed beside hers. She groaned, "This early?!" and changed her mind about sleeping in her room. Seeing Jemma like that made her want to sleep with Phillip instead.

If you guys didn't get a hint of the answer in the chapter, the answer to the question in the headstart Q&A I gave was that it was because of Ammut. Remember her from House of Anubis Season 3? Yeah... her. I prefer adding her as the villain here compared to Senkhara; she's creepy.

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