Chapter 5

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Eddie's POV
During class, I wasn't paying any attention. I was trying to build up the puzzle pieces that looks like screws and knobs. It looked like an ancient children's toy. Fabian already built it up but not in the correct order. It hasn't given me the vision yet so I know it isn't right.

"This thing is harder than school." I complained.

After the bell rang, a few pieces were left unpacked. Later on, Alfie grabbed the puzzle from me and smashed it on the ground. What?

"Man, what is wrong with you?" I asked.

He made some moves with his hands and wouldn't talk. Patricia went behind me and asked me what happened to him. I told her that I had no idea either.

Until now, I still don't fully believe in the existence of witches or wizards or whatever they speak of. Magic isn't real, unless you're talking about the ones they do at kid's parties, or Houdini. It could be them trying to trick us or whatever. For what we know, Nina may be the only Chosen One there is, and I'm the only Osirian there is.

While running through the hallway trying to get to class because I'm late, Dad gave me these goggles.

"Keep it. Victor said you'll need it later," he announced, "and you'll need the puzzle arranged as well. The Council is visiting later this afternoon so don't be late."

I nodded my head and kept running until I saw Andi, one of the newbies, opening her best friend's locker next to hers. An old looking floating book appeared in front of her.

"Hex! Get back in there!" she softly shouted.

She got the floating book and struggled to put in in her bag.

Jax's POV
Even if I'm sick as well, I still struggled to try to manage and take care of Emma. I went inside her room.

"Hey Em, are you feeling better?" I asked with a low, tired-tone voice.

"A little." she answered, "How about you?"

"Not too good, I guess." I replied as I rubbed the back of my head, messing with my hair.

"What do you mean?"

"Just some hallucinations here and there."

"Like what?"

"Clones of you, me, and Maddie."

When I said that, she crawled under her blanket. I sat on the side of her bed and rubbed her shoulder.

"I can't deal with any more clone problems." she said.

"I said that I could be hallucinating." I told her, "Besides, did you use the cloning spell lately?"

"No." she answered.

"Then what's to be worried about?" I asked.

"You're right."

"I gotta get back." I said before leaving.

When I walked downstairs, I found out I wasn't hallucinating all along.

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