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(I'm kinda new to hiring co-authors so if I do something wrong while writing this... well... I dunno.)

Hey guys! I kinda lost interest in writing the story as I have focused more on my other books (which I also have very limited time writing in) so I thought, "Why not add a co-author?" Not the type that I would give the password of my account but there is another way.

Also, if ever I hire you to be my co-author, I will guarantee you that every chapter you will co-write with me will have your name credited on them and so as the book.

If you want to become my co-author, comment down below with the following details:
1. How much free time do you have to put into writing chapters? (I understand if your free time is not that long because we all have other priorities.)
2. Have you had experience in writing stories?

Remember, there is no right or wrong answer so feel free to be honest with me. If I will choose you, I will be sending you a PM.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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