Author's Note

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For the meantime, while July 1 is coming closer, I'll give you guys a headstart if you try to guess what happens next correctly. Here are the hints per book. If not guessed correctly, then the book will automatically update on July 1st.

1) Troublemaker
People keep guessing that Jessie is Jax's little sis in Troublemaker. Well... hehe... not exactly. If one person gets to guess correctly who exactly Jessie is, I'll update the book ahead of time. (Guesses shall be put in the comments section.)

2) Promises
Emma's birthday surprise is coming up but there's another surprise topped on it, a promise. What promise is it? Try to guess and I'll update the book once someone guesses correctly (before July 1).

3) Forbidden Mystery
Fabian witnesses magic in the cellar and finds the evil quadruple team: Evil Emma, Jax Junior, Mischevious Maddie, and Evil Desdemona. He tells his fellow Sibuna friends that he saw them with glowing red eyes. Why do you think they have glowing red eyes? (Aside from them being evil, of course.)

Now you might be thinking, why am I updating everything on July 1st? What's up with July 1st? Well, it's someone's birthday... no, it's not me (haha). It's actually the birthday of the super awesome person who creates all my book covers and inspired me to write: my 15 (in a few days) year old sis, Ariana.

Okie, that's all for now.


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