Chapter 9

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"The path is... open." Fabian quickly noticed. They looked at each other and then to the elders.

"Someone went ahead of us. This can't go right!" Ramona remarked.

"What do we do then?" Nina asked. They all stared at the open path. It looks much of a dark, rocky, endless tunnel. Only a few torches lit up, some were blown off.

"I recommend that only four of you will go inside and investigate for now. One will stay in their room in case an emergency happens. You'll never know." Agamemnon advised.

"Alfie, you stay here, in front of the entrance. We'll call you if we need help. Keep your phone open, 'kay?" Nina told Alfie. He nodded in response and stayed aside.

"Ramona will go back to our office while Lily, Victor, and I join you kids." Agamemnon added. With a simple spell, Ramona faded away and transported to their office.

Agamemnon casted a spell for everyone to hold on to a simple battery-operated flashlight. They slowly and carefully paced deeper and deeper into the cave. They suddenly stopped when the path was split into three different paths.


"Are you sure this first path leads to the right direction?" Daniel asked. They continued walking through what looked like an endless cave.

"I'm pretty sure. I mean, come on, I have guardian-potential!" Andi assured. Out of all the reasons why they wanted to go to this crazy expedition, the number one reason Andi Cruz wanted to was because she wanted to prove herself to the Witches' Council as guardian-worthy once again, not knowing that she's actually turning her back on the Council just by doing this.

However, the blonde witch doesn't trust the so-called self-entitled Crystal Hunter, Master Spy, Karate Pro, and Mechanic Extraordinaire.

A few seconds after walking, they reached what they thought was a dead end. The rock-built door slid open revealing a small cavern room. There was a podium in the middle of the room with a piece of glass lying on top of it. The walls were round, rocky, and were covered with repetitive hieroglyphs.


"I think we should go to the third path." Eddie suggested.

"No, the second path looks like the right one." Patricia retaliated.

"It's the first one." Fabian assumed. They all looked at him, at how assuring his face looked.

Eddie asked, "How do you know exactly?"

They heard noises in the first path that Fabian pointed out. Little did they know, those noises were composed of Andi and Daniel's conversation. So, they were convinced enough to go to the first path and moved along.


"What's this?" Maddie pointed her flashlight at the piece of glass laying at the podium.

Shortly after, everyone accidentally hit their flashlights at the piece of glass at the same time, causing the trap to eventually trigger. The six lights that were facing the piece of glass reflected into the ceiling, revealing a blinding bright light to appear.

"Whatever you do, do not look at the blinding light." Jax advised.

Just as he said his line, the Sibuna members, along with the Council, were just a few feet apart from the rock-built door.

"Uh-huh. Thanks for mentioning the obvious, birdman." Andi sarcastically remarked.

And by the time she stopped talking, Sibuna entered the room. The bright blinding light was still flashing, thus temporarily blinding Nina, Fabian, Eddie, Patricia, Victor, Agamemnon, and Lily.

"Lily!" Emma shouted.

However, as she was blind, Lily did not notice who called her or who else was in the room. The other Sibuna members were also blinded so they did not see who was in the room. They started shouting in grief which gave the witches a signal to run away.

"Let's go, now!" Jax commanded.

Emma, Jax, Maddie, Diego, Andi, and Daniel ran out of the cave, reaching the cellar, and off to their respective rooms. Just as they thought the paths they went through were already abandoned, Alfie was guarding the entrance to the long path, thus revealing their secret to him.

However, Alfie was still under the side effects of the memory-wiping spell that Jax put on him. He was still mute so he could not speak at all since this morning.

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