Curse of a Psychic

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Chapter 2-Old Friend

July day 2 9:00 AM

Mai and Monk split the number of people to call. Mai called Yasuhara and Ayako, while Monk called Masako and John. Needless to say, no one was happy with being woken up at one thirty in the morning, but they all agreed to head over later that morning.

Now, Sakura had Satoshi dropped off at soccer practice, and was with Sakurako at a play date. Naru and Lin were reviewing evidence, while Monk and Mai were hanging out with Kiko in the living room.

"How's your shoulder, Kiko?" Mai asked as Kiko brought in some tea.

"It stings a little, but nothing too bad," she replied.

"Well, we have one answer to our vast amount of questions," Monk mumbled.

"Which would be?" Kiko asked, sitting down in the chair across from Mai.

"That none of the activity in the house is cause by living beings," he replied.

"Right, teenage girls undergoing stress can create poltergeist activity," she answered.

"It's not that we wanted to think you were the cause, it's just in the vision there were twelve people, you were the only one who knew about the eight of us," Mai added.

"I see, how do you know it wasn't a human?"

"That light Naru had you watch last night," Monk started, sipping his tea, "was used to hypnotize you, we locked the room up and the lamp we left never moved."

"Wow," Kiko sighed, slouching in her chair. "You guys sure are thorough."

"It was Naru's idea," Mai finished.

Kiko sat up. "Someone's here," she said, walking towards the door, her guests awestruck. "Calm down, I just saw a car pull up, I'm not that freaky with my powers."

She opened the front door revealing Ayako and Masako. "Wow, so you weren't lying about Masako being on your team," Kiko joked, gesturing the two inside.

"There really is a foul presence, blood thirsty," Masako commented.

"You must be Kiko," Ayako said, smiling. "I'm Ayako Matsuzaki, priestess."

"Pleasure to meet you," Kiko smiled, before Monk cut in.

"Aren't you a little old to be a priestess?" he called, walking into the hall with Mai.

A loud thump and cry of pain were heard. "Not again," Mai sighed.

"How can something so small be so painful!" Monk whined, as Ayako's purse swung, dangling from her hand.

"What about a brick?" she asked.

"Oh, there's plenty of them in your head!"

As the two continued their squabbling, Kiko leaned into Mai. "So they always do this?"

"You get used to it," Mai sighed.

"Okay then, why don't we go into the living room," Kiko offered, as she and her teenaged guests left the quarreling adults.

"So, what's it like being a medium? Weren't you scared at first?" Kiko handed Masako her tea.

"I didn't understand that the spirits I was seeing were deceased souls, so I was more confused than afraid," Masako replied, accepting the cup.

"Just a question, Kiko?" Mai asked.


"How do you know so much about the paranormal?"

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