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Chapter 11-Personal

February Day 6, 10:03 A.M.

It wasn't exactly hard for word to get around that the headmaster had hung himself on one of the trees by the dorms in the night. By the time Mai saw him in the morning, the man's body was covered in icicles and there was no hope in reviving him. The police were called, but thanks to the storm they had difficulty getting there.

"What are we going to tell them?" Mai had asked her boss in Base after she found the body.

"The truth," he said, sipping his tea. "We were asked by the headmaster to investigate claims of paranormal activity and record them. If they suspect foul play, our cameras give us alibis."

Apparently the newspapers and writing had disappeared from the headmaster's office. To Mai's knowledge, none of the victims of the man's assaults came forward. The monster was gone. There was no need to shed light on what happened. Justice had been served.

The police were skeptical of the ghost hunting group's presence at the school just before the headmaster's death, but after interviewing students and staff, they realized that the story checked out. Naru provided copies of their camera footage during the time of death and included a couple hours prior. The group was free to go. They had spent the rest of the day packing up their equipment.

They stayed another night and now, Mai had finished getting ready and was waiting with the group by their cars. Double-checking to make sure no one left anything. Mai was leaning against Ayako's car, waiting to leave, when she thought about the case they just had.

It's been one week, she told herself. One week since Shouta hit me. Almost one week since we started this case. So much happened. I'm glad we were able to solve this case and that Yamasaki won't be hurting anyone here again, but I feel like this isn't the way the case should end.

She let out a breath and watched as her heat dissipated into the air. I feel like the case isn't over. Like another girl will be attacked. Another man will feel entitled to one of the girls here and hurt them. She bit her lip. But do I feel like that because of the case? Or because of what happened to me personally?

She almost laughed out loud. C'mon, Mai, when have you brought your personal life into your professional? You've never let the two mix-

"He was manipulative really, always wanting me to hang out with him. Even convinced me to skip work a couple of times. I bailed on Michiru and Keiko too..."

She remembered telling Ayako that a few days before. Damn it. I'm an idiot.

"I think we have everything," Monk said, closing the van door. "We should probably get going before the police decide they have more questions."

"I agree, Mai you'll ride with me, okay?" Ayako said, patting the girl on the shoulder. "We'll grab food on the ride back."

"Luckily, traffic shouldn't be too bad, I doubt anyone wants to drive after that storm," Yasuhara quipped, earning an eyebrow raise from the girl next to him.

"Are you kidding? After a storm like that everyone wants to get out. I just hope the roads are clear enough to get home quickly," Kiko said.

"Let's not wait around to find out," Naru said. "We have a long drive as it is." He was about to open the passenger side door of the van.

"Wait, Naru," Mai finally spoke up, her heart was racing, but she wasn't too sure why.

"Yes, Mai?" Mai walked up to him, not caring that the others were there. This was for them too.

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