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Chapter 2-Over You?

October Day 1, 7:23 P.M.

"You've been hearing that voice?" Mai asked once the room had settled down.

"And those bangs, but not at this extent," he responded just as Monk, Yasuhara, Lin, and Naru raced in.

"Are you guys okay?" Monk inquired immediately.

"Yeah, we're fine, but I don't think the tea will be," Mai sighed, pulling the kettle to the sink. "I'll make another batch-"

"That won't be necessary," Naru answered, stopping the girl mid-motion.

Naru doesn't want tea! Mai's mind raced. What the hell is going on?

"Where is Miss Matsuzaki?" he continued, looking to Monk for an answer.

"She wanted to check on John and Kiko, so Shouta here said he would accompany Mai," he answered.

"What happened?" Naru asked Mai.

"Shouta and I were talking, then when we were waiting for the tea to steep, the lights were flickering and the room started to shake," Mai began, Shouta finishing her sentence.

"Then this voice started yelling for help," Shouta continued. "Then Mai said some chant and the banging and the voice stopped. And you guys rushed in after that."

"Huh, so you repelled a spirit?" Yasuhara commented as Monk bear hugged the girl.

"You're growing up so fast!" the monk exclaimed.

"Get off me Monk!" Mai squirmed, but the man only hugged tighter. "I can't breathe!" He finally let go.

"Sorry, but I'm proud!" Monk's face beamed with pride for her.

"Everyone, back to Base, Monk, I want another camera in the kitchen," Naru ordered, heading out.

"Is he always like that?" Shouta whispered to Mai.

"No," she shrugged, following her employer. "He's usually ordering me for tea on top of this attitude."


"How's Kiko?" Mai asked once everyone, minus Kiko and John, gathered in Base.

"Sleeping," Ayako answered. "She took the Benadryl, put in her earbuds and was out by the time her head hit the pillow, John told me. She hasn't woken up since."

"Shouta, would it be possible to have another room set up for Miss Matsuzaki and Mai to stay in, seeing our situation?" Naru asked, not turning away from his folder.

"Yeah, of course," he nodded standing up. "I'll go have it prepared."

"Miss Matsuzaki, perform another walkthrough of the building, take Monk with you, and Yasuhara, you and Lin set up a camera in the kitchen," Naru ordered and everybody obeyed, leaving Mai alone with her boss.

"So, what do you want me to do?" Mai asked as her boss took a seat in the chair across from the couch where she sat.

"Why were you alone?" Naru asked cryptically, taking Mai off guard.

"I-I wasn't alone, Naru, Shouta was with me, remember?" Mai caught herself as she raised a brow.

"I asked, Miss Matsuzaki to accompany you."

"She wanted to check up on Kiko, you know, who could really need her? And Shouta offered to help me find my way around." Mai shrugged. "What's gotten you so uppity lately?"

"Mai, on numerous occasions, when we were on a case you have been the target of multiple spirits, particularly when you were alone-"

"You've brought up that point on every case since the Yoshimi case, and might I add that I was harmed the least on that case. What's your problem?" Mai crossed her arms and resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

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