Shoji no Noroi

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October Day 7, 7:46 A.M.

"You're very lucky, Miss Taniyama," said the doctor after he finished wrapping up Mai's arms. "There doesn't appear to be any nerve damage, or any damage to your internal organs, which is a miracle in itself, but I'm afraid there will be scarring from these burns."

"That's fine," she sighed. She was exhausted. They didn't even reach the hospital until about one thirty in the morning then they had to wait a couple of hours in order for a nurse to even put them in a room. Mai couldn't help but fall asleep on her employer's shoulder, she was so tired even when she woke up she couldn't find the energy to be embarrassed! Once they were finally helped, Naru stayed in her room with her while Lin went to find Ayako. "So, what now? What do I need to do once I get back to Tokyo?"

"Well, I wouldn't recommend any heavy lifting, or using any lotions or perfumes on your arms until they have completely healed," he explained, washing his hands. "I'm going to prescribe you a cream to help the healing process and another to help limit the scarring. Use the burn cream twice a day, once in the morning and then at night before you go to bed, use the scar cream once a day at night before you go to bed. See if a family member can help you-"

"She lives alone," Naru interrupted.

"I see, then I'd recommend finding a friend or someone close by that you trust to help you. As for work, what are your duties?" the doctor continued.


"No need to worry about that, she'll be put on desk duty until her arms have healed," Naru answered, ignoring Mai who just sighed with fatigue.

"Forgive me, but who are you again?" asked the doctor quizzically, as he raised a brow. "I don't seem to remember your name."

"Kazuya Shibuya, president of Shibuya Psychic Research, Mai's employer," Naru replied.

So much for the secret identity, Mai's eyes rolled as she thought about how her boss must have been tired as well if he forgot to keep his secret.

"Very well, as for schooling, no gym classes for a while and when do you plan to return to Tokyo?" the doctor continued.

"We leave tomorrow," Naru answered.

"Miss Taniyama, please give me the name of your usual doctor, I will contact him of your injury and what I've prescribed, I would like you to visit him in three days," he ordered, grabbing a pen and paper. "And then make an appointment each week just to ensure that there was no nerve damage, the name Miss Taniyama?"

"Wataru Imai, Tokyo clinic," she answered.

"Thank you, I'll contact him right away." He scribbled something on another piece of paper. "I'll get your prescription sent out as well, it should be ready later this afternoon and ready for pickup at the drug store by the hotel you are staying at."

"Thank you, Dr. Ozaki," Mai said as the doctor walked out.

"Thank you," Naru added as well. Mai's mind was not functional enough to question why her boss bothered showing gratitude. She had other things on her mind.

She couldn't help but think about the night before. She nearly killed John. A demon tried pulling her into a portal. She could still feel the spirits' grasp on her hours afterwards. The taloned hand gripped on her ankle. John's confused face as he came to from the trance and she nearly stabbed him. The world of fire and creatures only imaginable in nightmares. The feeling of dangling right over that world and almost being pulled right in it. That demon from her vision days ago. She felt hollow for some reason, it also didn't help that it was only now that she could feel the burns in her arms. She wanted to be alone, but at the same time she did not. Mai... To be honest she didn't really know what she wanted. Mai...

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