Post Case 2

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Post Case 2-Advice

Wednesday, December 1:02 P.M.

It was a boring day for Mai Taniyama. She was in the middle of her first week of winter break and she was already a little bored. She finished her homework the day before thanks to another nightmare waking her up. Even with her sessions with Hozumi the nightmares we still around, she was just finding it a little easier to sleep a little longer and fall back asleep faster. However she did skip her last session with him that week, Shouta invited her to a get-together a friend of his was having.

She went running that morning, showered, did her laundry and cleaned her whole apartment and now she was just procrastinating getting ready to go to work. She had to be there by three, as much as she wanted to do something, work was not one of those things she wanted to do.

Beep beep. Beep beep.

Mai was on her bed relaxing as she pondered the absolute need to get ready for work, when she heard her phone go off. Rolling on her side she grabbed the phone her boyfriend gave her for Christmas. Lo and behold, it was him.

Hey! What are you up to today? A text message read.

Mai smiled as she eagerly typed back. Nothing. Just relaxing until work. Why?

I wanted to hang out with you tonight.

I don't get out of work until 8

Any way you can get out of it? Just for tonight? Mai had to read the text again. Was he serious? I mean, it's not like they are super busy around this time of the year and you just finished a case last week. You only had one day off in two weeks. Just say you have a doctor's appointment or something.

He was right. Mai just shrugged and decided to give it a shot. She needed a day off. "This is Kazuya," Naru answered after two rings.

"Hey, Naru, it's Mai, I completely forgot to tell you," she began, trying to make it sound convincing. "But I have a doctor's appointment today at four, I can't reschedule it. Is it alright if I have today off?"

The other line was silent for a moment. Mai thought the line had been dropped, but then she heard an exasperated exhale. "That is fine, in the future be sure to let me know of these things ahead of time."

"Will do, thanks Naru!" she hung up the phone and quickly texted Shouta. Okay, I'm now free. What time?

I'll pick you up around 3:30.

Sounds good.

See you then. Love you!

Love you!

Mai rolled onto her stomach and let her phone drop to the floor. An uneasy feeling filled the pit of her stomach. She had just lied to Naru, not for the first time, technically, but she lied for selfish reasons. It didn't feel right. Oh Mai! Get a grip! She heard a little voice in her head tell her.

You know Naru has lied to you since you met him. The whole reason you work for him is because of a lie he told you shortly after you met him! The voice argued.

Mai couldn't deny that. Naru did only get her to be his assistant by saying she had to work to pay for the camera that she helped break. Despite the fact that the camera was insured and Lin was actually able to work, as far as conducting research and reviewing evidence. He just wanted to make her feel bad for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This wasn't nearly as bad.

So, Mai got up and started getting ready for her date.


3:59 P.M.

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