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Chapter 1-Stress

October Day 1, 2:48 P.M.

It had been about a two-hour drive from Shibuya into the Ibaraki Prefecture where the nursing home had been built. Thankful for the short drive compared to earlier that month, the group hopped out of their respective vehicles to greet their client and receive a tour of the property. "Thank you all so much for coming so quickly!" a middle aged woman bowed, then searched the group with her eyes. "I'm sorry, but I was under the impression Madoka would be arriving with you as well."

"Please, forgive her," said a familiar girl with light brown hair and blue eyes, she had dressed in a blouse and pencil skirt in order to introduce the group. "I'm Akiko Mori, Madoka's younger sister, something came up and she was unable to make it, so she sent me instead."

"Oh my! I hope everything is alright!" the woman gasped, but the girl just waved her hand with a dismissive laugh.

"Yes, yes, everything is fine she ended up having to revisit a past client, but she knew she promised she would help with the investigation, so she sent me in her place," she explained, then gestured to the group behind her. "Now, I assume my sister has told you about this magnificent team she referred you to." She motioned to the boy clad in black behind her. "This is the ringleader of the team, Kazuya Shibuya, and on either side of him are his two main assistants, Lin Kojou and Mai Taniyama."

"Pleasure to meet you," Mai said warmly with a bow.

"And you as well, sweetheart," the woman bowed back.

"Then we have several other respectable spiritualists who give their assistance as well, Father Brown, Houshou Takigawa, Ayako Matsuzaki, and Osamu Yasuhara," the young woman introduced everyone who bowed respectively. "Unfortunately the renowned medium, Masako Hara was unable to make it as well on this trip, her director asked her to go in for a shoot."

"That's quite all right, I'm just glad so many of you were able to come in such short notice!" the woman exclaimed, gesturing to the young man next to her. "This is my nephew, Shouta, he will be giving you a tour as well as helping you set up your equipment in any way he can, right Shouta?"

"Sure, Aunt Chiyoko," the boy replied, giving a smile toward a certain brunette in the group.

Huh, this is just like back in April when Yasuhara first impersonated Naru, Mai wondered to herself as Shouta gave a quick smile at her. She tried to ignore it. There was a reason why Naru didn't just have me impersonate Madoka's sister, what was it again?


A few days ago...7:13 P.M.

"Hello!" sang a cheerful voice as the bell attached to the SPR front door jingled. "Naru! Mai! Lin! Anyone here!"

Mai was somewhat startled and dropped the can of tea leaves in the kitchenette to greet their visitor. "Madoka!" Mai's eyes lit up as she saw the young auburn haired woman grinned at the high schooler.

"Mai! It's great to see you again!" The two gave each other a big hug as they began chatting to catch up. "I trust the last six months have been eventful!"

"Yeah!" Mai nodded, leading her friend into the kitchen where she finished Naru's tea. "We've had a lot go on since the case you had Naru do back in April."

"Was it really back in April? Geez! It's nearly November! I meant to come back much, much sooner!" Madoka exclaimed smacking herself in the head. "Forgive me for that, Mai, and for the fact my visit today will be brief. I've been unbearably busy the last couple of months. Good grief, girl! What happened to your arms!"

Mai looked down and realized she was still a bandaged up mummy like earlier in the month. Granted, most of the burns had finally began to heal she was really just relying on the anti-scar cream to limit the scarring. "Our last case was pretty brutal," she explained, pouring the tea into a cup and placing it on a tray. The image of the underworld she had nearly been dragged down into flashed into her mind, but she brushed it away quickly.

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