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Chapter 3: Enemy

November Day 1, 6:47 P.M.

"Whoa, what happened to you two?" Monk asked once the two younger investigators came in from the rain. "You guys are a mess!"

He was not wrong. Naru was covered in mud and limping, Mai was drenched and mud covered the half of her that Naru had been using as a crutch. It wasn't exactly an improvement with her already haggard appearance.

"Naru fell down the hill," Mai explained, not even bothering to take off her coat.

"Are you alright?" Lin asked, turning as Naru removed his coat and limped his way over to his designated chair.

"I'm fine, I lost my footing," was all he responded with as he opened his notebook.

"You're covered in mud, don't you want some dry clo-o-a-choo!" Ayako sneezed, her chair scooting back a few inches from the force of it.

"And you're sick as a dog!" Monk added, earning a glare from a sniffling Ayako.

"Gee thanks, every girl just wants to hear herself be compared to a dog."

"Well, half of the team is gone, and the ones we have left are sick or injured," he retorted with a sigh.

"What about you, me and Lin?" Mai inquired, crossing her arms.

"Sorry, Mai, but you're a danger magnet, making Lin and I the only able-bodied members for this case. And this case is outside, where all the activity is happening, but all that happens is that it rains nonstop!"

"Are you sure, you're not getting sick to-oo-choo!" Ayako sneezed again. She took the tissue Mai pulled out for her and sniffled. "You're getting very cranky."

"I'm not cranky nor am I getting sick, I'm just not liking our odds here," he defended.

"If you are so concerned about being the only 'able- bodied' investigator, perhaps you should leave," Naru threatened. Monk closed his mouth. "I do not need my investigators complaining more than my assistant already does."


"You're right," Monk sighed. "Sorry everyone, but I do think it's a good idea for Ayako and Mai to head on home. With our priestess sick, it only makes her more useless-ouch!" Monk rubbed his head after the "useless" priestess bonked it and fell back into her chair.

"I am not useless, thank you very mu-achoo!"

"Takigawa is right," Lin interjected, trying to make sense out of their conversation. "With Miss Matsuzaki sick, we need the rest of us in the best shape possible. You three should go home for the night and get some rest, we can continue this tomorrow, right, Naru?"

The narcissist sighed and looked up from his book. "I suppose that would be the best course of action for now," he agreed. "Lin and I had already planned to stay the night here with a equipment, I expect to see you three here tomorrow morning."

"Are you sure about that, Naru? I can stay-"

"This shed is already cramped as it is, do you really want to spend a night out here?" Naru challenged.

"All right then," Monk sighed, grabbing his coat. "Let's get you two home."

Wordlessly, the priestess and the high school student followed the monk out of the shed.

"She's not stupid, Naru, she's going to catch on," Lin scolded, as the young man searched through his belongings for dry clothes.

"I can delay it," was all he said.

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