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Chapter 1- Appearances

September Day Before Case... 6:30 P.M.

The summer break over and school making its way back into Mai's life, she found herself not only overloaded with paperwork, but her own homework. Couldn't her teachers give her a break? Luckily, Naru had some sympathy, and didn't add more paperwork when she finished what he had already given her, but let her complete her schoolwork.

Stuck at her desk on a not particularly nice day, with dark cloud threatening to pour a waterfall onto the Japanese citizens below, the bell attached to the front door jingled. A middle-aged woman walked in. "Yes, may I help you?" Mai asked, standing to meet the woman not much taller than she.

"Yes, I hear you exterminate ghosts?" she asked, removing the hood from her jacket. She must have been worried for the rain as well, it was only a matter of time before it just poured.

"Yes, ma'am, do you have an appointment?" Mai replied cheerfully, offering the woman a seat on the sofa.

"Yes, I made one for 6:30, I'm sorry if I'm late," she said humbly.

Mai shook her head. "It's no trouble, and you're not late at all. Give me a moment and I'll let my boss know that you've arrived and make you some tea."

"That would be lovely, dear."

Mai walked over to the closed door that lead to the cave her tea addict of a boss dwelled. She knocked on it cautiously. "Naru!" she called softly. "You're 6:30 appointment is here."

Before she could say anything else, the door opened, Mai almost began knock on her boss's chest! Red from the slight embarrassment, she took a step back. "Want me to tell Lin?" she asked.

He only nodded, walking towards the living area of the office. Lin, having overheard the conversation followed him with his laptop. Leaving Mai to make tea, and eavesdrop on their possible case.

"Mrs. Gensai, explain what your family has experienced," Naru ordered coolly, as the teakettle whistled.

"Every since my late husband and I moved into our house we've experienced activity, but nothing as serious as now. My husband died two years ago, so it's just been myself and my daughter. The activity escalated to the point where we have heard voices, laughter, and I was pushed down our staircase! Furniture has been turned over, things have gone missing, I have even been attacked in my sleep!" the woman explained rapidly, fear present in her eyes, as Mai placed a cup of tea in front of her.

"How old is your daughter?" Naru asked, nonchalantly, Mai knew exactly where this was going. It was just like the case they had back in July.

"She's sixteen, what does that have to do with anything?" the woman replied, taking a sip of her tea, hoping to calm down.

"It's very common with teenage girls undergoing stress to unknowingly create paranormal phenomena. Has she experienced things as well?"

"She's told me of feeling she is watched, but nothing more. She's says it hasn't bothered her, but that's a lie!" she exclaimed worriedly.

"How so?"

"One night, I was awoken by shuffling coming from my daughter's room. Fearing someone I had broken in, I snuck into her room and no one was in there, aside from Jinru, my daughter. However, she was floating a few feet from her bed! Still asleep! I ask you, is that common!" she yelled at him, his eyes widening for a fraction of a second.

"Levitation..." he responded, it wasn't a question, it was a fact.

"Yes, it was as if something or someone were holding her. Please! I beg of you! Help us!" The woman broke down into sobs, Mai reached a hand out to the woman's shoulder, attempting to comfort her. Sending glares to her contemplating boss.

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