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Chapter 2-Arrangements

Before you get angry with me, you should know there is one more thing to know about the spirits haunting this hotel. They target romantically involved couples and what better way to draw the spirits out than to be live bait! Also, because walls have ears the only place we can openly discuss this matter is in Base, where I am making sure it is sealed with charms. Now get ready for dinner and meet in Base!

Madoka! :)


March Day 1 6:15 P.M.

Mai closed her eyes after she finished reading the note. Biting her lip, she shook her head and said, "Well, I'm not going to wait to discuss this. Let's head back down to Base."

"Agreed," Naru replied, shoving a piece of paper in his pocket. Earning a strange look from his new roommate, he replied, "Just the envelope the note came in."

Nodding, Mai followed him out the door and down to Base. They were still a few doors away, but they could hear a muffled argument belonging to a certain monk and priestess.

"It's one thing to mention this before a case and ask for volunteers, but to trick us!" Ayako's voice was shrill as Mai and Naru entered.

"Wow, no one has the ability to follow directions! Now we're going to have to keep explanations brief so you can get ready!" Madoka said with an exasperated sigh.

"And who said I would've volunteered to be your partner? It's like volunteering for suici-ow!" And on cue, the priestess's purse hit its target. "C'mon, this has to constitute as abuse."

"Doesn't count as abuse if you like it!"

"I think I found our kinky couple!" Madoka's voice sang, erupting the whole room into an argument.

Mai raised a brow and scurried over to the calmer couple who sat on one of the couches. "So I take it, no one saw this coming?" she asked, the two shook their heads.

"I'm just glad I had already gotten changed," Kiko said with a shrug. "Apparently, Ayako was in the middle of taking off her shirt when Monk walked in."

"Yeah, I thought she was going to rip his head off," Yasuhara added crossing his arms. A sharp whistle sounded, silencing the arguing couple and bringing attention to the only one who could have made such a sound.

But he shook his head. "That wasn't me." All eyes turned to the woman who started this mess.

"Why does everyone think you're the only one who can whistle? I'm the one that taught you," Madoka huffed, crossing her arms. With a breath her whole demeanor changed and she became the rather chipper woman who they were all well acquainted with. "Because we are pressed for time, I'll keep this short. We need to draw out the spirits here by pretending to be couples, in fact..." She turned to the tall Chinese man behind her. "Lin, be a dear and grab my purse, please?"

Mai couldn't keep her dismay off of her face at the scene, as Lin did just what Madoka asked. Why do I get the feeling this can't be good?

"I even brought a little prop for each of us!" She dug through her bag, only to pull out a small box. "Just to make it a little more believable, we should all wear one of these rings." She opened the box to reveal eight wedding bands.

And Ayako and Monk began their onslaught on the woman. You've gotta be kidding me, Mai thought to herself as Kiko and Yasuhara went into their own conversation and Naru seemed to approach Madoka. It's bad enough that I'm apparently not over my crush on him, now I have to sleep in the same bed as him? What world does she live on where that would be a good idea?

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