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Chapter 9- Shatter

The ghost here is only part of the problem. You won't find out the rest from newspapers or history books. No one's willing to believe this stuff happens, so why would they be willing to stop it? If you want to help the school, you need to stop the living source.


February Day 4, 6:54 P.M.

"I...what?" Chinatsu shook her head and blinked hard. She couldn't believe what Mai was asking her. But Mai knew better than to believe what the girl's face portrayed. She was more confused as to how the young investigator had found out.

"I found this in the bathroom of my dorm building," Mai said, holding up the envelope. "Something tells me you wrote it, or you know who did."

Chinatsu looked down at her lap, not daring to make eye contact. Mai thought it was just as well.

"I figured it out when I read the note inside," Mai continued, fiddling with the edges of the envelope. "Though, what you said on the night you were attacked did make me reconsider you being the one to write it. But you hoped that would be the case, right?"

The student didn't respond.

Mai shook her head. "You realized there were cameras throughout most of the campus for our use. That was how I was able to stop Professor Fujita. I was in charge of monitoring those cameras throughout most of our time here, but I didn't put the pieces of what I saw together." She sighed and bit her lip. "That is, until I saw this." Mai looked at the girl who had finally brought her eyes to meet the brunette's. "And then it clicked. It made sense that I saw you leave the Headmaster's office. And I know there are a lot of other girls who go there for the same reason you did."


"But the attacks were only the beginning," the disguised voice spoke. "Actually, they were never the beginning. The rumors were the beginning.

"Our headmaster has only been here for a year, but many rumors started after he arrived. He seemed like just a stuck up old man, same as any other superintendent. I wasn't expecting one of my best friends to tell me she saw him force one of the professors into his office."

The figure on screen shifted, but it was still too dark to identify the person. They were fairly certain it was female. "I wasn't expecting the Headmaster to force my friend into his office to keep her quiet about the scene she saw. But then I knew to expect that he would have me sent to his office, because she told me. I should have expected exactly what I had gotten."

Looks were passed between members of SPR as they continued to listen.


"You saw the others too?" Was all Chinatsu could say. She was holding her breath, and Mai somehow knew it. She silently hoped she wasn't as obvious when she forgot to breathe.

Mai nodded. "Like I said, I didn't put the pieces together until a little while ago, but I know you are not the only one he's done this to. So tell me," Mai put her hand on the student's. "Why are you doing it? Why is he doing it? How long has he been doing this to you?"

Chinatsu sighed a shaky breath, unable to fully comprehend what Mai had just told her. Nevertheless, she decided to reply, "It started just before the summer break. I wasn't doing as well in my classes as I should have been. I was sent to his office by my counselor and that's when..."

"When he said he would change your grades if you slept with him." It wasn't a question.

But Chinatsu shook her head. "He first threatened to expel me. I begged him not to, not after what Fujita did to help get me in here. That's when he offered the deal. It wasn't a deal..."

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