Break A Leg

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Chapter 7-Kagome, Kagome

January Day 5, 5:30 A.M.

Mai knew she wasn't going to sleep the rest of the night. She wasn't sure she wanted to even try. Once her sobs had subsided and her hands had ceased shaking, she decided she may as well be productive. She managed to finish all of her homework and even managed to get a head start on most of the topics for the following week. Not wanting to overload her brain, she decided to take a break and shower.

That was when she remembered the burning sensation from the day before. She thought it might have just been something with her jeans, but she was wrong. She found that out when she stood in front of her mirror with her shirt off. Right by her hip was a red scratch. Nothing to be too concerned about right? Wrong. It wasn't just a scratch, but writing.


Yes, that's right. Written on her hip was the word "Hi!" with the exclamation point. And it was in that moment that Mai realized that the spirit they were dealing with, really liked fucking with people.

I'm getting real sick of this case...She shook her head and went to the shower.


Mai managed to work on her English while she waited for Lin to pick her up. Her mind continued to return to her dream. She couldn't speak even there. Looks like she wasn't going to be doing anything on her own for the remainder of the case. If she were to be attacked again, how would she be able to cry out for help if she were alone? Then again, she has been in those situations with a voice and no one was able to hear her.

Well, Mai, at least you're no less useless than you were with a voice, she told herself as she made the silent drive with her co-assistant.

Lin walked her into the theater after they parked. I guess Naru really doesn't want me alone, she concluded. At least she didn't have to worry about bringing a change of clothes or changing before she had to climb a ladder. She didn't have to worry about having to go up on the bridge anyway. Naru would never let her up there after what's happened.

So it was no surprise when she made it to Base where everyone was waiting and Naru assigned their positions for the investigation today. "Yasuhara and Miss Matsuzaki are on their way to visit the families. In the meantime, Monk, I want you to stay with Miss Hara and John to continue keeping an eye on Hoshiko," he ordered the remainder of SPR that were in Base. "Mai, you will stay here in Base and help examine evidence."

Everyone nodded and split up into their roles. Mai was left with Naru handing her a pair of headphones. "Here, I want you to examine the audio from the attic last night. Let me know if you hear anything that might be substantial."

Mai pouted and pointed to her mouth like he was an idiot for asking her to communicate. Can't talk, idiot scientist.

"I'm aware that you can't speak, but that doesn't mean you can't write," he responded to her unspoken argument, by handing her a black notebook and a pen. Damn it, Mai, you're the idiot.

Rolling her eyes, Mai accepted the notebook and headset. She turned to the small computer that she could analyze the audio from.


"Is Mai alright?" Hoshiko asked, as she came out of the dressing area in her costume.

"She was attacked like you and now lost her voice like how Masako went blind," John explained, turning around to see the finished costume. "She's not happy about it, but she is fine." He gave her a smile. "You look great! Is opening night this Friday?"

"Thanks and we're hoping it will be," she replied, crossing her arms. "But I don't know what we'll do if people are still being attacked. If Masako and Mai don't get better soon I don't think we'll ever have our opening night."

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