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Xiao didn't really like kids... or socializing even at a young age.

But you were quiet the opposite you liked the attention people gave you, the praise you got for doing something good, but that didn't stop you from being friends with Xiao.

"Talking bad about people isn't nice. " The girl says.

"Yeah? well I dont really care" A boy says inching closer to you. Backing away you say "Still you shouldn't say those things especially about my best friend!"

Finally having enough he pushes you into the dirt scrapping your hands and knees "Now resulting to violence! You really are bullys" You yell as they walk away snickering.

Getting up and dusting yourself off, deciding that today wasnt a day to 3v1 a bunch of nine year old boys.

"What happened to your knees?" Xiao asks skeptically almost like he already knows. "Haha I fell Xiao, yknow how clumsy I am" you laugh rubbing the back of your neck. he just raises a brow at you in return, not amused or buying you bull shit.

Sighing he gets up to go get medical supplies
cleaning up your knees and hands. "You really need to be more careful..." he says glancing up you look away and say "I am careful Xiao"

"Yeah sure. That's why you're in this situation right now" he sarcastically replies

"Hey, hey, hey, no need to get snappy now." You say matching his energy. "Just don't get hurt anymore. " He sighs closing his eyes and dusting off his hands finally done with putting on bandages.

~[ A week later]~

"Hey Xiao-" you say walking up to him "Oh my god! What happened???" You ask concern laced in your voice running up to the boy.

"Who scratched up your face, when? Where ? I need names and classes and the whole thing I'll fight them i swear it!" You say getting more angry the more you see how hurt he is curling your hands into fists nails pressing into the flesh of your palm.

He just looks at you apologetically almost ashamed. Calming down figuring that he doesnt need protection right now. "Hey, hey its ok lets just get home so I can clean you up. Yeah?" she says in a quiet voice almost as if shes gonna scare him... Again.

He just nods in return grabbing his hand you two walk hand in hand to his house. Finally getting to Xiaos house looking all over for bandaids and other things to help.

"Alright this will sting a bit... But I dont want you getting an infection cause those hurt worse. " You say "on the count of three yeah? ... one, tw-" and immediately putting the disinfectant on two so he doenst flinch away as bad.

Finally being done looking at your work theres a bandage all over his bruised nuckles, bandage on his cheek, nose, arms and on his knees where he had scrapes.

Sighing the girl says "Stop getting hurt! I'm the reckless one here. Your supposed to stop me from getting hurt so dont put yourself in the middle of things!" you exclaim not quite angry at him per sey more mad at yourself cause you know who did this.

He looks at you apologetically. Guilty even, but you dont stop.

"I know." you say and he looks up at you frantically "I know the mean things they say about me! You dont have to defend me though, just turn the other way! so you won't get hurt" you scold "I can't see you get hurt for my sake! Who cares what they say? I certainly don't!" the girl continues with her rant

"You're a hypocrite. " He says looking at you turning your head violently towards him "I know too, I know that you defended me its so painfully obvious. " He says crossing his arms looking at you finally having enough of your one sided argument.

"Like I said I'm the reckless one you are responsible! No more fights!" You still continue. "No promises y/n. " Is all he says in return "You little-" you start but go against it "You're sooo difficult" you say putting a pinching the bridge of your nose.

"Fine! Just ask me for help I'll fight them with you! We'll get through this together!" she says having a revolution turning to him and holding out her pinky.

"This is so dumb" he sighs but still interlocks his pink with yours "And look whos still doing this 'dUmB' thing" The girl mocks in return she gets a soft hit to the head.

"Well that wasnt very nice of you, I cant believe you just hit a girl!!" You say feigning being hurt "Oh. youre a girl???" He asks in return smiling.

Dramatically gasping and putting a hand over your heart "No I'm a boy I was fooling you the whole time. " You say sarcastically

"I fucking knew it. " Is all he says before the girl burst out laughing "youre such a dork i hate you."

"Sure you do. Is that why you keep getting in fights for me???" He asks "... no comment." Is all you have to reply with.

"So," you start looking at Xiao "Did you at least win?" You ask looking at him "Yeah I beat the shit outta them." Is all he says "That's good" She says smiling

"Did you win?" he asked "No, I didnt wanna 3v1 the boys" is all you say in return "what'd they do?" He presses "Welllll, they just pushed me in the dirt. Which I for one do not think its that bad" the girl over explains "Shoulda threw a rock at them while I was on the floor"

"Y/n don't throw rocks at people" Xiao starts "And why the fuck not?" You ask "Because just don't throw rocks at people. " He sighs "Nooo promises." The girl cheekily smiles "Why you little-" is all he gets out before you burst out laughing.

"Look we're matching with all the bandages on us, we look so cool. Like delinquents" you say looking at the bandages on you palms "y/n I dont think its a good thing to look like delinquents-" he start but is violently shushed before the girl says "don't kill the mood"

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