Christmas eve

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Knocking on the door to Xiaos house with two presents and a strawberry pie in hand one small one and a neatly wrapped gift

"hello, y/n" Zhongli greets warmly "hi Zhongli!!" you beem "Merry Christmas" she smiles harder

moving aside to let you in you sigh as you take off your shoes beanie and scarf "its nice to see you again" Zhongli smiles "dinner will be ready in thirty minutes" he says walking towards the kitchen

"ok!! where-" you can't ask your question before Xiao takes the stuff out of your hands and sets the pie on the table and puts the gifts under the tree.

"Scared the shit out of me! at least make some noise when walking" you yell "language." Zhongli says "sorry, I'll watch it" you apologize

"No sarcastic response?" Xiao asks coming back "No, I actually like this adult" you sass "that makes no sense-" he starts but your already by Zhongli seeing if he needs help.

"do ya need help with anything?" you ask already looking around for something to do "nope, but may I ask what do you eat for Christmas?" he asks

"hmm" you think "it really depends on the year, but my favorite is when we make tamales" you sigh "a lot of work though to much trouble for one person" you wave it off

"can you explain more about them?" he asks genuine curiosity from the corner of your eye you see Xiao also paying attention

"mmm ok, so theres this thing called masa its like dough and you put it on a dried corn husk and you make either chicken or beef most commonly with chile. green or red and you put that on top of the masa and close it up after that you boil it? its like or its more like you steam it for hours and boom! tamales" the girl explains

"Have you made them before?" he inquires "yeah, but i havent in a while shi- I mean it hurts after awhile and takes to much time" she sighs

"interesting" is all he says and then Xiao interrupts "y/n your favorite Christmas movie is playing" almost screaming from excitement you go and sit down on the couch watching the movie in which Xiao follows you

"I dunno why you like this movie so much its very dumb" he says sighing "Xiao do I look smart?" you ask "no, I dont so why do you think i enjoy this amazing movie" you laugh

he bites back a laugh of his own as you watch the movie with him.

About half way through the movie you hear Zhongli says hes done and with that you and Xiao get up to go eat.

"I'm so fullllll" she says laying on the couch "move over I wanna sit" Xiao says "theres a whole as- theres another couch over there" she says lazily pointing to another couch

"Yeah but I like this couch" he says looking at you expecting you to move "I hate you" she says getting up and with that he sits facing the tv.

She sigh sitting up as well and then she passes out knocked out cold sitting on the chair its kinda funny.

its funny to Xiao until you fall over on his shoulder he saw it coming but nonetheless still was surprised muttering things under his breath

He wants to push you off of him but at the same time he just wants to sleep and with that he rests his head on yours and passes out.

It last for a short while until he feels watched and then he wakes up to see Zhongli taking pictures of you two cooing at how cute you guys look.

Xiao immediately sits up knocking you over groaning from waking up you say "what the fu-" opening you eyes to see Zhongli looking disappointed "i mean what happened" you save yourself

"he has a picture of us sleeping." Xiao seethes "send it to me" you smile at Zhongli "already have" he says and Xiao looks mortified

looking at the clock it's 11:58 smiling "its almost midnight we should get ready to open our gifts" you smile again Xiaos heart clenches at the sight of it scoffing and walking towards the tree.

Theres a total of 6 gifts under the tree two for each person you smile giving Zhongli your gift you got him an expensive rock you thought hed like since he does study them and he goes on and on about them.

He smiles at the rock and thanks you, you kinda blank out until Xiao calls your name shoving you a gift from Zhongli it was a pin it had some type of orange butterfly you marveled at it.

"So pretty!! Thank you" you smile st Zhongli and he just says a quick your welcome and then you give your gift to Xiao its a bracelet he looks at you confused "I know you dont like jewelry but look" you say showing him the matching on your wearing.

He slightly smiles and you stare at the rare sight to see him smile it never got old he gives you another gift from him this time and its another pretty butterfly. You love it so. Much smiling at the pretty thing.

"oh my god its so pretty!! Can you put it on me?" you asks handing him the necklace "yeah" he says putting it on you

You smile "I had fun here im glad I got to spend Christmas here with you guys" she says smiling again

"Why don't you spend the night?" Xiao asks impulsively only to get a laugh out of Zhongli

absolutely emmbarresed he drags you to his room and in return you yell a goodnight to Zhongli and he just waves "are you emmbarresed Xiao?" you mock "oh shut it" he sighs

throwing you some pjs "jeez" you sigh going im the bathroom to go change into whatever baggy ass clothes he wears.

Walking in xiao is already changed into pjs "y'know what" you say going inside "hm?" he hums "I wanna go outside but I dont wanna get ready" you sigh flopping on his bed

"yeah its to cold for you to go out dressed like that" he sighs eyes not leaving the window "is that a challenge?" she asks

"definitely not" he responds "lame" is all she says while grabbing her phone "aww this picture is so cute, oh my gosh your drooling on me" you say disgusted

he immediately rushes towards you "your lying" he says while trying to get your phone laughing your ass off at his reaction "I am so stoppp" she laughs

and the night ends with your laughter is one of Xiaos favorite sounds it never fails to make him at least smile at you.

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