November 4th

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Thursday "it's Thursday Xiao!!!" not getting a response you turn to him and still see him on his phone typing "oh, Xiao are you excited for tomorrow!!" you ask excitedly

"Yes I am" he replies blankly noticing this change in attitude its like hes complete different... Like not in a good way either hes constantly ignoring you.

But deciding that he needs space you respect it but he was really killing your vibe you were so excited to finally be able to play at your recital the one youve been working so hard on at home and at school skipping lunch just to get better and now here he is not even at least pretending to be excited.

"I'm gonna go ahead bye" is all you say before speed walking off i have no reason to be angry she repeats to herself.

Deciding to sit this cute little secluded area to just collect yourself before you hear a "Hey y/n!" you recognize the voice of Bennett "Hello Bennett" you respond smiling at him.

"There's still tutoring today correct?" he asks "Yes, I cant wait to see your improvement. Now I have to get to class" you sigh getting up and ruffling his hair. "see ya" is all you say before walking to class.

Seeing Aether and Xiao talking instantly feeling a pang of jealousy but ignoring it and sitting down.

"Going to go practice" you say getting up as soon as the bell rings tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow. Is. The. Day.

Words sinking into you, just standing in the classroom blankly "What seems to be troubling you?" Kazuha asks casually.

"Um well tomorrow is the day that I preform. and now I'm second guessing life in general." She states clearly nervous even adding laughter.

"Ah, I understand. Well your music is lovely there is no reason to fret." He gives you a heart melting smile.

"I'm scared though what if I mess up-" you start before shushed "do you mess up here? no you dont you play each peace beautiful and perfectly articulated" finally relaxing at his words of affirmation.

"How about this, no practice today?" he asks gauging your reactions "alright then what do you suggest we do?" You ask raising a brow

"do you trust me?" He asks walking closer to you "If im being completely honest... no" you say truthfully "ouch" he puts hand over his heart in fake pain "but i dont blame you, but are you willing? "

"I'm... Willing" you reluctantly agree "I'm glad" he smiles taking your hand and says "now we run" finally noticing he has his bag on him and your now running out of school.

"If we get caught I will kill you" you yell running from a security gaurd "take off you jacket" he says walking into a crowd "how bold" you tease taking off the jacket and tie and un-tucking your shirt trying your best to blend in with the others.

Kazuha takes out a jacket out of his bag while shoving his school one and finally remembering the jacket you never took out of your bag you put yours on.

Successfully loosing the security and still walking hand in hand with Kazuha you laugh "I can't believe we just did that???" You laugh and then you remember the tutoring. "Ah shit, wait lemme text Xiao I have to have him cancel the tutoring im doing" shooting Xiao a quick text you pocket your phone.

"So what are we gonna do?" you ask the boy next to you "well honestly I didnt think we'd get this far" he laughs

"Are you serious?" she laughs even harder "Alright, alright you wanna go to a cafe?" you ask the male "I won't even take no for an answer c'mon lets go" you laugh at him pulling him along to the direction of said cafe.

Its warm compared to the bitter wind outside sighing you go straight to the register "Do you like sweets?" she asks "yeah" he says mindlessly looking at her.

"You want to pick or you just gonna stare?" She asks looking at him snapping out of his gaze he says "Vanilla cake please" and with that he takes out his wallet but not fast enough cause your already giving the lady your card.

"I couldve payed" Kazuha says while shoving a peice of cake in his mouth "Maybe, but I like paying" she replies then chatting with Kazuha you find that you two have a lot more in common.

Wondering why youve never seen him he says that he was transferred from another school for the student exchange program which makes a lot of sense. Spending about one hour talking before you finally say "lets go"

Going out you guys just decide to walk and then it snows. It's the first snow... suddenly it feels wrong that your here with Kazuha instead of with Xiao. you and Xiao always spend first snow together and here you are with another boy.

Trying to ignore the feeling of guilt and disdain you smile and say "I loved hanging out with you Kazuha "

"I had a very pleasant time with you as well" he smiles "I'll see you tomorrow ok?" you say walking away.

Checking the time you see its about time for school to end putting back on your uniform you go and wait by the gate for xiao but he never comes out.

"oh..." you sigh and then you hear a "y/n" whipping your head around to see the one and only xiao. "Oh I thought you left im glad your still here look Its snowing" you smile

"Where were you?" he ignores your question "why does it matter" she starts getting defensive "I... I was just worried jeez" his cheeks are red not sure if its from the cold or from admitting that.

You smile at him finally talking to you like a normal human being again "alright Xiao lets go" you laugh rubbing your hands together

"This is why I told you to bring gloves but you never listen" he says taking off his gloves "that brings back memories" you sigh.

~[ 2 years ago ]~

"this is why you need gloves when you go out side and its snowing" Xiao scolds the air is so cold the but its beautiful outside Xiao sighs for the nth time.

"and this is why I brought extra gloves cause I just knew your dumbass really wasnt even gonna bring gloves, lemme guess you forgot" he mocks

while grabing you hands and putting the gloves on himself "your so difficult" he mutters "yet you still stay with my difficult ass" you laugh "watch it" he hisses.

"ah!" sarcasm dripping from her he just glares in return "what?" she asks "It's pretty out here" she says looking at all the snow before just flopping down.

"Floor time" is all you say "no I will not lay on the snow floo-" and with that you grab his leg and pull instantly face planting in snow

knowing you fucked up you scramble to get away from the angry male "get back here" is all he says before grabing you ankles "nooo" she laughs

now theyre in a full blown wrestling match trying to pin the other down in hopes of finally ending this fight

Xiao finally coming out as winner puts his weight on your legs so you cant move them "I win" is all he says before you thrust you hips up to make him fall off but in return all that happens is you get caged between him and the cold snow

xiao immediately gets up and trips over his feet falling face first into the snow once again

"cmon lets go home and drink hot cocos" she says extending a hand towards him looking at it for a second like hes having an internal battle about what to do he sighs and taked your hand.

just as he remembers the same words

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