November 3rd

337 10 12

Xiao is not as talkative with you as usual its like hes pushing you away and you dont know what to do.

He hung out with Aether and Lumine without you yesterday and that kinda hurt like yeah you have tutoring but he couldn't invite you?

Laughing at yourself you sigh its ok its not a big deal its just one time right? It's not like your getting replaced right? He wouldnt...

"Hey Xiao I'm getting better with the violen!" you smile "thats cool" is all he responds with oh ok.

"oh" is all you say noticing hes on his phone typing away peeking over his shoulder you say a "who ya textin'?" laughing thinking its funny "geez dont do that!" he snaps "geez calm down its just a joke. you know I respect your privacy" is all you say in return.

Walking away "Wait I'm... sorry" he says pocketing his phone "Oh? did you just learn a new word" she mocks "must have been hard" you laugh "oh shut up" he just returns.

~[ lunch time ]~

"I'm going again i need to practice!" you laugh grabbing your bag and walking out not hearing anything they say.

getting the instrument out of the case but when you play its disturbing. you suddenly hate the way it sounds suddenly feeling insecure was i really never that good? why does it sound like that

"what seems to be troubling you" a voice you recognize as kazuha asks "oh uh it just doenst sound... right" you say feeling uneasy did he hear the horrible tune you just played

"hm, it sounded lovely but i cant help but wonder if there is something else on your mind" he inquires further taking slow sensual steps towards you

"maybe there is" you shrug turning away "but what gave it away?" you ask "pretend like your going to play" he instructs "but why-"

"just do it." he sighs "fine" she says getting into position and then you feel his hands on your back

"straighten you posture" he says tapping the middle of your back feeling his hands leave your body for a second before he angles your neck more to the side and straightens your arms

"your posture was all wrong" he smiles "when you play you usually stand like that and relax your so tense" he says ghosting your shoulders with his hands

now play and suddenly your hyper aware breathing in and counting "1..2..3..4" and then playing and then the beautiful melody comes back the one you love and grown to play it can be seens as difficult to some but when watching you you make it look effortless

closing your eyes you continue to play the music perfectly not missing a couple notes nor being to off key just enjoying what you love to play and then you finish your three songs

"i did it!" you laugh triumphantly kazuha is rendered incapable of speaking for a few seconds he cannot describe how happy you look in compared to when you first walked in

"thank you" you thank him grabbing his hands "im afraid there is no need for you to thank me for you did all the work" hes surprised he didn't trip over his words

"no you helped me so just take my damn gratitude" she laughs "i suppose i can, you're welcome y/n" he smiles

just humming in satisfaction "have you written any more?" you ask sitting down fiddling with the strings of the violen

"actually i have why?" he inquires "mm no reason but would you mind telling me some?" she asks looking at him

"i suppose, i was actually working on it and-" kazuha continues to talk and you listen entirely for once your not the one talking to much its someone rambling to you and you find it endearing

"did i bore you?" he asks almost bashful that he has been talking for this long "no the opposite actually, i really enjoy your insight on things" you smile urging him to continue talking

"kazuha?" you ask "hmm?" he hums signaling hes listening "do you play an instrument?" you ask curiosity brimming in your eyes

"yes i actually do" he laughs "oh? what instrument do you play?" you ask "the flute"

"i love that instrument! can you play something for me?" you ask leaning over for emphasis mind drawing a blank at how close you are he just agrees

playing a beautiful melody you cant help but be entranced by his playing very gracefully hitting each note over all leaving the girl in aw

"wow. that was amazing!!" you laugh "though nothing can compare to how beautifully you play" he replies

"stop being cheesy and take the damn compliment." you laugh a quiet "thank you" comes from him "youre welcome kazuha" checking the time you sigh "well I'll see you later now" you say putting the violen away

"till next time y/n" he says as you walk away turning around and giving him a little salute and walking out.

and then the bell rings

"xiao lets walk home together today and catch up!" you say to xiao as the dismal vell rings "cant, hanging out with aether" is all he replies with a small "again?" comes out of your lips before you just say "alright! I'll see you next time" you give a smile before walking out of the school alone

"nah fuck being sad over a boy that shits emmbarrasing" she sighs "ima treat myself to ice cream on a cold day" she yells walking to the nearest ice cream parlor

"hi, can i have a cookies and cream cone?" the girl asks and the worker looks at her like shes crazy getting ice cream at this time of year to which you just wait for them to gige you ypur ice cream

quickly paying for it you go and sit outside infront of the parlor and enjoy the double coldness

shivering every so often until a scarf is wrapped around you snapping your head up you se xiao there "i thought you were with aether?" you asks

"i saw you walking the opposite direction of your house and got worried" he huffs "ohhh you were worried about me xiao" you tease

"i will leave right now" he says "damn just like dad" and then xiao just looks at you before you burst out laughing "im sorry i had to" you laugh

just cracking a smile at your antics "lets go get you a cone to!" you smile "its literally 40° outside" he deadpans "sooo?? im getting you strawberry" she says walking in and out of thr store

"here!" now lets take a picture "whats up with you and pictures???" he asks "memories." is all you respond with before smiling and snapping the picture

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