spooky month

395 11 0

"I got you your grim reaper costume" you barge into Xiaos room "can you like knock before just coming into my room????" he asks setting his phone down "Here" you say tossing the costume at him.

Catching it effortlessly and sighing a "really?" he asks "yeah, really." you say putting a scythe in the corner of the room.

"Your gonna look so cool!" you exclaim throwing yourself onto his bed "I look cool all the time" he says "ehhhhhhhh-" you start before your being hit in the face with a pillow "this is attempted manslaughter!!" you yell grabing the pillow and hitting him.

"Yeah it is now stay still." he starts "nooo, dont kill me i still wanna be in the sequel!" you say grabing his wrist to stop him from getting you.

standing up trying to get away but he pulls you back by your wrist causing you to fall back again "oh nooo" you say sarcastically Xiao just looks at you.

and then you shoot up again trying to run but expecting him to pull you back again you go limp causing him to fall off the bed

laughing at him while hes on the floor he looks at you signaling that your dead "uh ohhhh" you start before running away

"get back here!" he yells grabbing your ankle causing you to fall flat on your face.

not even caring he drags you back in return you try to get back on your feet but struggle each time with his hand still wrapped around your ankle.

in a pathetic attempt to get away you flip on your back trying to pry his hand off your ankle but he grabs ypur hands in return "noooo!!" you yell "I dont wanna die today! im to young and pretty!" he deadpans at you

At that one moment he let his gaurd down prying him off you run away laughing.

Just running around in circles in his room going around the other side of the bed so he cant get you.

Laughing still and out of breath you say "ok ok im sorry spare me you flop onto his bed "no can do" he says tickling you.

Cursing at him while laughing you yell at him that your sorry to have mercy but he doesn't relent "im gonna piss myself if you keep tickling me!!!" you scream in between laughs instantly stopping at that

"yeah no dont piss on my bed." he says sitting up straddling you "NOW YOU STOP YOU WHORE" you yell quickly rolling over so now your the one straddling him

Xiao doenst comprehend anything until he sees ypu with each hands on the side of his head.

He looks very... pretty to say the least she just stares at him his pretty eyes staring right  back staying lack that for a bit until Xiao finally says "you got a staring problem?" finally knocked out of her trance she leans down a bit saying "well yeah anyone would stare at someone as pretty as you"

Without another word she gets off and says "Im gonna be a skeleton for halloween! I'll meet you at my place on Halloween at 5 dont be late" and with that she leaves

"You seem to he in a hurry? you just got here though." a voice she recognized said "yup i just came to drop off Xiaos Halloween costume" she says spinning around to face the man.

"hmm" is all he says in return not looking up from his book taking this as an opportunity to leave you yell a quick bye and race to your room.

closing the curtains so Xiao doesn't see ypu freak out from your window.

~[ Monday ]~

"its so earlyyyyy" she complains throwing her head back once again to the empty desk behind her.

Xiao just sighs "well then go to sleep? I know your staying up till like four am everyday" he says annoyance clearly laced in his voice "Ok I dunno if i should be scared or creeped out you know this" she says not making an effort to pick her head back up.

"You always have your light on and then unplug it when you go to sleep" he sighs "ohhhh why you looking at my room during the night you creep" you look at him.

Gasping sarcastically he says "I glance over there you weirdo plus your light it like always changing damn colors how can I not notice"

"fair point" and with that the teacher walks in. "Oh nooo" you sigh not wanting to learn already zoning out to the music your listening to

"-behind y/n, y/n raise your hand" not comprehending anything Xiao nudges you and you glare at him after whispering a "raise your hand" mindlessly doing as told.

You see two students most likely twins shuffle their way towards you "Xiao what'd you get me into???" you whisper yell "relax damn theyre just gonna sit behind us now" he hisses "oh"

And with that the lesson starts.

"Alright you may work on your assignments now" instantly the class gets loud with idle chatter from. different students "Wait I ddint pay attention what are we doing" she asks

"Just read the damn assignment" he says scribbling his name on the paper "geez someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" she sighs looking at the paper.

Not really comprehending anything cause how tired the girl is, she throws her head back for the second time today forgetting that the seats are now occupied. head hitting the desk and then you make eye contact with a girl.

She doesnt smile, she looks quite annoyed actually. she has very pretty eyes though and short blond hair but shooting your head back up you quickly turn around and say "I'm so so sorry that seat is usually vacant and I just do that when im bored"

Turning around to face the front of the classroom you angrily sigh at yourself for letting that happen hearing a quiet "its ok." from the girl you sigh.

"wow you really suck." Xiao says nudging his best friend "and you swallow bitch" is all the girl says in return hearing a "pfft-" then erupting into uncontrollable laughter from a blond boy with long braided hair.

Xiao looks mortified and and the boys sister looks entertained. you snicker to yourself until you see the bone chilling glare you got from xiao "your dead once lunch comes around" is all he said you hear a quiet "Ooooohhhh" from the boy behind you guys.

"looks like im running once that bell rings" is all you say in return still hearing quiet snickering behind you.

The bell rings and you yell "see you later bitchboy" emphasizing on 'bitchboy' seeing Xiao pick up all his stuff and shove into his backpack before inevitably chasing after you

"Hey y/n who you running from?" bennett yells trying to keep pace with you and then he turns around and sees Xiaos angry face "oh" is all he says before walking in the other direction "traitor!!!" she yells befor picking up the pace up the stairs.

"Listen Xiao. honey, baby, darling" she yells random pet names on the roof "listen it aint that bad!! theyll forget!!" Xiao still chasing the girl in circles "im so tired stop chasing me!!!" she yells "then stop running" is all he says "fine" she says suddenly stopping causing him to crash into her.

"ughhh you squishing meeee" she yells "get offffff, youre so fuckin' heavy" the girl over exaggerates "no suffer" he says not moving an inch.

Desperately wiggling trying to get the male off of you, you eventually give up finding it useless to try and get him off.

"did you fuckin' fall asleep on me get yo ass off" you start wiggling again wordlessly getting up she asks "so you did? you fell asleep. "  she says in a matter of fact tone.

"yeah" he says shamelessly "just eat" she sighs sitting down and getting out an apple "thats all?" he asks raising a brow "apples are good, leave me alone" she says taking a bite

now introducing
the love rivals

word count

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