middle school

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"Xiaoooo why?" You say pulling the covers over your head "Cause school is important get your ass out of bed" he says pulling off the cover.

"Noooo I'm tired" you say half asleep.

"I will drag you out of this bed right here and now if you don't get up." He says grabbing onto your ankle.

Shooting up you say "Fine! just get out so I can change and do my hair"

"If you go back to sleep I'm leaving you here."

"Yeah, yeah whatever"

"Xiaooo i wanna go home" you whine.

"And I want peace and quiet but thats not gonna happen." He replies not even looking at you.

"That's mean!" you say hitting his arm he just chuckles while you mumble incoherent curse words under your breath.

Walking into the hallway you knew people were gonna whisper you and Xiao are pretty popular but only for the rumors... and those rumors were pretty violent.

Sure you guys got into a lot of fights during school but that doesn't mean you ever got caught... Or ever got in trouble they were just making downright vulgar rumors.

About you two running a gang??? How can someone in 7th grade run a fucking gang??? You may never know but you didnt care people never bullied you guys anymore so peace came with a small cost and it was worth it to be quite honest.

"Yeah i heard that she..." is all you hear in the hallway and you glare at the girls that are talking about you right infront of your face them squealing and running away.

You laugh until a girl comes up to you and asks "is it true that you... and Xiao beat up 10 high-schoolers before?" the girl stutters and mumbles.

Looking bewildered at what the girl just asked you. You internally face palmed "does it LOOK like me and xiao can beat up 10 high schoolers???" you turn the question back at her

"um. " Is all she says before continuing "Sorry to bother you!" And before you can get another word in she runs away. "Man people are so weird" you say putting your arms behind your head and sighing.

"its Xiao and i..." He corrects "Fuck english man" is all you say laughing

"Xiao this school is filled with fuckin' weirdos!" You say walking with him "Language !" an old lady yells at you "English!!" you yell back "How would your mother feel about you talking like that??" the lady presses

"i dont have a mom" you lie "she, she died in a car crash" you say a fake quiver in your voice "why would you say something like that!!" you yell at the lady "oh... oh my I'm so sorry" the lady says "I dont forgive you!" You say walking away

"You're such a fuckin' liar" Xiao looks at you "Correction, I'm a good fuckin' liar" you say smiling in which he just rolls his eyes.

"Can I go over to your place?" You ask "Yeah I'm pretty sure Zhongli will be ok with it." You stay silent before saying "Can I... spend the night?" You see how far you can go "Uhhhh, I'm pretty sure Zhongli wouldn't mind."

"Yesss" You cheer to yourself "But may I ask why?" Xiao preses further "Yeah, its cause mom wont be back for another like two days and I dont like being home alone" you sigh streching

Before xiao has a chance to say anything, you yell "race ya there!" While taking off running backpack swishing left to right as you run.

"Hey!" He yells chasing after you.

Out of breath at Xiaos door you wait for him to open the door "how.. do.. you run so... damn fast. " He says in between breaths "running from the cops" you answer a little to quickly.

"What?" He asks giving you a concerned look "What, what?" You ask as if you said nothing concerning right now "I'm" is all he gets out before deciding against it your probably just teasing him right now.

In which case you are but it doesnt make the situation any less funnier.

"Your room is always so cozyyy" you say dropping you backpack at the door and flopping on his bed.

Xiao who was walking behind you trips on your bag but catches himself before actually falling.

"y/n.." he hisses "hehe... sorry" you say looking at him he just sighs a "Its fine" before grabbing you bag and putting it on the side of his desk.

Messing up his covers and going under them to fall asleep he sighs "Why dont you go home to change and get pj's???" he asks.

Opening one eye you say "Lazy." Way to lazy to form an actual sentence he sighs and gets some basketball shorts he has and a hoodie before tossing it at your face.

"Get changed outta your school clothes you weirdo" is all he says before walking over to his desk to start homework.

Getting the clothes and going into a bathroom you sigh taking off your school uniform and folding it neatly before putting on the clothes Xiao lent you.

Going back into the room with your folded clothes you see Xiao already doing his homework in which you return this action by calling him a "fuckin' nerdddd"

He just give you an are you serious type of look "Ok but you get higher marks then me, so whos the real nerd. " he says "You because you're doing school work right now nerrdddd. " You laugh before flopping on his bed

"Hey I'ma take a nap kay? okay" you say before grabing a pillow and hugging it.

Waking up with a sharp gasp Xiao looks at you worriedly. Deciding against talking about it you sigh in relief. "Dinner is ready." Is all he says.

"Damn I slept for that long?" You ask he just nods "Do i have bed head??" you ask he just nods and reaches out to brush your hair in place helping make it look a little presentable.

Walking down the stairs with a yawn you go "Hi mister zhongli!" you start about to go give him a hug before you see another tall man stand up "Uh... Hi?" You say awkwardly

"Hello young one." Zhongli starts "This is Tartaglia" He says "a ginger???" you whisper quiet loudly to Xiao in which Xiao has to stifle laughter.

The one known as tartaglia clears his throat and says "Aren't you two lively! It's a pleasure to meet you. " He says "I'm sure it is." You start but Xiao pinches your arm

"Ok fine" you say "I'm y/n, the neighbor. Is it ok if I join you three for dinner?" You say suddenly gaining manners "Of course you're always welcome here y/n. " Zhongli says setting down utensils.

"Good cause it would have been reeeeally awkward if you said no-" you say sitting down in which Xiao covers his mouth not wanting to laugh.

The whole night concludes of you just bullying tartaglia like "How do you pronounce your name??" you ask genuinely "Tartaglia l." he smiles in return "how do you...how do you spell it?" you ask

"t-a-r-t-a-g-l-i-a" he spells out "...You're pronouncing your name wrong. " You say "What?" He asks genuinely concerned "Your name... its italian, so your name would be pronounced tar-tal-lia you dont pronounce the g, I can google it for you?"

"No." he says "That's how I've been pronouncing my name my whole life." he starts "okay..." You say "y/n chill your gonna give him an identity crisis-" Xiao says to which you have to cover tour mouth to stop yourself from laughing.

Getting up you take your plate to the sink ready to wash it before zhongli says "oh dont worry about it I'll clean" he says "you.. sure? You cooked I can wash my dish... " The girl asks "yeah go ahead, go ahead"

In which you wordlessly make your way upstairs with Xiao following you "I can sleep again" you says going back on Xiaos bed

"Ok" he says leaving "No where you going?" you ask "Somewhere else I don't wanna intrude" he starts "Nah its fineeee cmon" you say patting the space next to you

Awkwardly laying next to you he takes out his phone "Goodnight" you mumble falling back to slumber "night" is all he says before you pass out again.

word count

the story will pick up from here!

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