Chapter 4

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"How dare you two trick me like that?huh?" Tobias asks. " Don't ever do that again."

"Whatever." I reply.

Tobias picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.I shriek.Both of them laugh. I glare at them but I'm still happy to see them laugh, especially Tobias, his whole has been a tragedy,he had to face Marcus for sixteen years of his life, and when he finally escaped to Dauntless, he had to face people like Eric,and as much as how self-centered I feel to say this, his life only got better when he met me, I gave him good memories, like our firsy kiss by the chasm and many more and when we thought we were going to live a normal life, war struck and ruined everything,took away our friends and families from us.I hope this war will be the last disaster he will have to face in his life, he's had enough of all those stuff.

I realise that I have been thinking for so long that I didn't even know that Tobias had put me down and we're walking alongside each other.Now, he's watching me as we're walking.

"What are you thinking about, Tris?" He asks me. 

"Oh, nothing in particular, just about the war and all the friends I lost..." I trail off. I hope he didn't notice my trailing off, I don't want to tell him that I was thinking about his past life, he's trying to forget everything and me reminding him won't help with that. But he knows me too well not to notice that. He can tell that I have more to say.

"And?" He asks."Don't lie to me, Tris. You do remember the promise we made to each other during our first date, about being honest to each other,right?"

"Yes.." I trail off again." I was just thinking about your past life, all that crap you had to face, and how I hope that this war will be the last of disasters you'll have to face because you deserve a happy life,Tobias."

" I think you need not worry about because I'll be happy as long as you're around me,Tris" He smiles." Besides, what about you? I mean , I know your life wasn't as bad as mine but the war was crap for you as much as it was for me, right?So stop thinking about what has happened , and start deciding on what is going to happen, because our perfect lives are one of those things."

I nod he's right. We have a perfect life to plan not only with each other, but with all our friend that are left and new friends like, Matthew, too.

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