Chapter 31

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Tobias POV

It's so late and Tris is still nowhere to be found. Where the hell is she? I have to talk to her and fix this. But I can't find her anywhere. I've searched everywhere. The dormitories, pit, chasm, my apartment and every other inch but still no avail. I even went outside a bit to search. I'm completely flustered right now!

"Don't worry buddy, she's gotta be here somewhere. What happened in between you two?" Zeke asks, sitting beside me, panting. He's seriously the best buddy you can get around here. He supported and kept me sane the whole time. I tell him about everything. I even tell him about Megan. I end up sobbing at last.

"Oh buddy, it's so messed up. If not for Megan, you'd be perfect right now. But the behavior part is strange. What's causing you to act strange? I think it has to do something with you two being attacked that day. Somebody doesn't want you two together." He says.

I try and put what he said together. When I was dragged to a corner that day, I felt a sharp pain at the back of my neck. As if something was injected into me. What if something was injected into me? If yes, what is it? And the only person who doesn't want us together is Megan. It must be her work. She hates Tris. Thinking about it, Evelyn also hates Tris. So she might as well have set Megan up to seperate us. I get it now. I have to fix this. So I go to the first place I can think of. The former factionless HQ. As if on que, I run into Megan on the way. She's in for something now. Big trouble. I'm fuming mad.

"Tobias?" She asks, trying to smile seductively. She still looks pathetic to me. She put her hand on my shoulder but I brush it off roughly. "What's wrong?" She asks.

"As if you don't know." I ask."Why? Why'd you do this to me? I thought of you as a good friend."

"I still don't get what are you talking about." She says.

"Why'd you send those men to attack us? What did you inject into me?" I ask her, raising my voice. Realization dawns on her face. So I was right, it was Megan's work. And maybe Evelyn.

"What are you talking about?" She asks, trying to act innocent. I grab her neck and push her against the wall. She looks at me with eyes full of fear.

"Yes, yes! Please let me go! I was the one! I did it!" She chokes out. I let her go and she coughs for a bit before continuing.

"I set men up to attack you two and injected a serum in you. It's similar to what Jeanine injected into you during the war." She says. How does she know that? I don't care. I remember almost punching Tris to death and shudder.

"But this serum is a bit different. The person who's controlling you can choose who they want you to hate." She says.

"You used it to create a distance between Tris and me so you could slip in." I finish for her. She nods. I slap her, hard across her face."You're the most pathetic person I think I've ever known. You better get this serum out of me before I punch you to death."

She hands me a syringe with a greyish liquid. I think and hope that's the sedative. I grab it and inject into my neck. I throw it onto the floor.

"Goodbye! I never want to see your face again." I say and leave. Now all I have to do is find Tris and apologize and explain everything.

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