iii : lost and found

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authors note:
i am so genuinely happy for the support on this story even if it doesn't look like all that much to you guys. trust me i have the entire story planned out, and its only gonna get more interesting and mysterious from here.

thank u for supporting to die for :)

onto the story !!


"S-Soyeon?" I muttered out shakily, quickly shifting my gaze to the phone screen and then back to Shuhua.

"It— It's not what it looks like, Soyeon, Shuhua was just messing around—" I scrambled. Before I could finish my sentence, Shuhua hung up the phone and took the chance to glare directly back at me.

"Can't you do anything right?!" She shouted. I could feel the pure rage in the air before she even spoke. Shuhua suddenly grabbed her phone and shot up from where she was sitting. Giving me no time to react, I looked back at her, confused and almost scared for my own life.

"Wait— Shuhua? Where— Where are you going? Shu? Hello?" I watched as she stomped her way to the door and turned the knob.

"Shuhua, don't leave!" I shouted. It was too late. Shuhua opened the door, left and slammed it behind her. I was left there to marvel in my own shock. What just happened? I couldn't just let her leave like that. I sighed, and ran to my door, opening it swiftly. I looked around briefly to no avail. She was gone already.

"Maybe she went to her dorm?" I thought out loud. Without even thinking about it, I found myself fast-walking in the direction of her living quarters. Her dormitory room was on the opposite end of the hallway, which wasn't very long, but it felt like I was walking forever.

My feet came to an immediate hault when I found myself staring at the door of her room. "614" the door read. Shuhua's room number. This was undoubtedly her room, so why was I so hesitant to knock?

I brought myself to knock on the door finally, after what felt like minutes of me just standing there, staring at the numbers.

"Hello?" I said. No answer. I knocked again.

"It's me." I continued. No answer. Finally, I just decided to try to open the door. To my own surprise, it opened with ease. The door was unlocked. I hesitantly took a few steps inside. Dorm rooms here were pretty small, they were just two beds and a desk, and sometimes a bathroom. I could see the entire room from that open doorway. She was nowhere to be found. Shuhua's roommate, Soojin, wasn't there either, but I didn't really care all that much about that. I didn't even have a roommate because it was just how things worked out. There was an odd number of students, so I was the lucky one who got a dorm to themself. But that had nothing to do with Shuhua, so I had no clue why I was thinking about it then. I guess in the moment, I was letting my mind wander to miscellaneous topics to distract myself from the relevant issue.

I reached for my phone, and opened Shuhua's contact. I started typing a message to her, but then changed my mind and deleted it before I could send it.

'Maybe this is whats best for us,' I thought. '..to be isolated for a little while. She was pretty upset... but what about Soyeon?' My mind was racing. Should I have talked to Soyeon and tried to explain? Or would that have made things worse? Was the whole thing really my fault?

In the end, I decided to sleep everything off. It was getting late anyways, and I had class early the next morning. I would probably run into Shuhua anyways, then we'd be able to talk it out.

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