22 - shit

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k a r e n

As for the result of Clover being late for soundcheck, we managed to beg Lilly to give us some extra time to rehearse.

Thankfully Lilly was in a good mood. She didn't even flip or shit like that, which we were really glad that it didn't happen.

All of us went back to the stage, with more people in the venue to watch us soundcheck. The screams instantly went off when we appeared on stage, which made me smile.

"London!" Zoe waved to the crowd, "How's everyone doing?" She asked, as we took a seat on the stools.

So basically, soundcheck was like an acoustic show. There were Q&A session, and also us singing a couple of songs and covers. Only some of the fans were allowed to enter, I guess the ones who had the VIP passes.

The crowd screamed, as they all started recording with their phones. I quickly took my bass from its stand and placed it on my lap.

"Okay," I cleared my throat, "What song are we playing first?" I asked the girls, as I tuned my bass.

"Wait," Clover said, "You girls know With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear by Sleeping With Sirens right?" She asked us back, as the fans roared when they heard this.

"Yeah, that's a great song." Selyn shrugged, "Should we play that?" And the response from the crowd were crazy.

"But we never played that song." I turned my head to Zoe. She shrugged her shoulders and looked at the girls.

"Nah, I guess we're fine playing with that song. Selyn takes the first, yeah?" Zoe told us. The rest of us nodded our heads. "One, two, three."

"True friends lie underneath,
These witty words I don't believe
I can't believe a damn thing they say anymore."

We played the rest of the song pretty well, with the fact that we didn't even practice before. The crowd also sang along with us through out the whole song, which seemed to ease up all the tension on the stage.

When Clover started to sing the second verse, I heard a loud voice called out my name from the right side of the stage. I narrowed my eyes and looked over to the side. There I saw a familiar blonde boy who had the biggest smile on his face.

My brain did a quick throwback as his face came across my head again. I remembered very well the last time we met was at thif cafe, and his name was Aaron.

I waved my hand at him, as I sent him a smile. Zoe caught me waving at him, as she leaned back from her microphone and mouthed 'Aaron?'. I nodded in response as she put a smug face on.

I told Selyn and Zoe about Aaron, but Clover was out with Michael when I told them. I'd probably tell her tonight if she's over her fight with Michael.

As I heard Selyn's voice again, I quickly returned my attention to my bass again, hitting the last notes of the songs. Clover did the last strum of her guitar, as the crowd roared.

"Well, well," Zoe breathed out, "That was lovely!" She said, "But have you listened to our song Heartache from our debut album?"

Everyone in the venue screamed 'yes' as a response. I smiled as did a small dance in the back of my mind.

"That song was written by Karen over here." Zoe patted my shoulder, "And yes she wrote it by herself."

The crowd screamed, as I blew a kiss and smiled at them.

"So, we're gonna play that song right now." Selyn announced, "And please sing along if you know the words."

So long story short, the souncheck went like that. We sang mostly covers when it comes to soundcheck, since we're performing the rest for the main show.

For the rest of the soundcheck, I kept on glancing at Aaron every now and then. Sometimes we made an eye contact, and he'd just smile or wink at me.

Zoe also teased me throughout the whole soundcheck, and I guess some of the fans might notice this already.

z o e

I thought our first soundcheck would turn out like shit, since we haven't been holding our instruments for months.

But it turned out the other way around. Selyn sang really well, Clover hit her solos perfectly, Karen constantly flirting here and there, and I only did some mistakes.

It wasn't bad at all to be honest. As soon as we finished soundcheck, we waved to the crowd and quickly exited the stage. Karen stopped by Aaron when we passed him, and Selyn and I just gave him a small smile, before we left both of them talking.

"Hey, Zoe!" I heard a boy called my name, as I glanced up to meet a pair of hazel eyes.

"Oh, hey Ash." I smiled, "What's up?" I asked him.

"Okay," He sighed, "I'll make this real quick but because I need to get onstage now." He spoke quickly, as the rest of the boys went onstage already.

I nodded my head at him, as he slowly pulled my behind a huge stack of speakers, so that no one would sneakily take a picture of us.

"Alright," He whispered, "This is a bit weird but, there's this diner near our hotel and I was wondering if you'd like to come with me tonight?" He scratched the back of his neck.

My eyes widened the slightest when he said this, as if he just said the most silly question.

"Look, I completely understand if you don't want to and--"

"Hey, hey," I giggled nervously, "I'll come with you tonight." I agreed as he sighed.

"Okay great," Ashton said, "I'll text you later yeah? I have to go on stage right now."

"Alright, see you later Ash." I said as a sent him a small smile.

He flashed me his famous grin as he quickly backed away and turned around, before he jogged to the stage.

As soon he was out of my sight, realization kicked in and the smile on my face vanished away. I shook my head vigorously as I turned my body around and jogged my way to our dressing room.

"Shit." I mumbled to myself.




ok im really sorry it's been a really long time. I actually updated chapter 22 weeks ago, but wattpad decided to be a dick and deleted it awhile ago. I've literally changed the plot for a good 7 times + i was having this horrible writers block and it sucks.

but here's a chapter and i hope y'all like this one. please vote and comment shit on these chapters because it makes me happy asf okay?

enjoy x

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