29 - troubles

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I feel nauseous; my head was throbbing in pain, and my vision was blurry from the tears lingering in my eyes. So many things happened yesterday, and I still hadn't got out of my bed.

Selyn was pretty much on my state, and I couldn't blame her much. She was really close with her father, and having your dad pass away at the age of 18 wasn't pleasing.

I blinked my tears away, as I felt someone sitting on my bed. As I wiped the tears off of my damp cheeks, I turned my head slightly.

"Hey," Zoe smiled weakly, as she gave my shoulder a squeeze. I didn't reply, instead I turned my head back.

"When's soundcheck?" I asked Zoe quietly, trying not to burst out in front of her.

"An hour from now," Zoe answered, "But really we could just cancel the show-"

"What are you talking about," I sighed, as I finally sat up, "People came here from all over the world, Zoe. We can't just cancel the show and have them waste their money for nothing." I told her.

"But it's the same thing if you didn't give you best," Zoe puffed out, "Look, you have to figure this out before tonight's show." She sighed.

My heart dropped when she said this, as I stared at her with shock.

"Really, Zoe?" I scoffed, holding back my tears, "I nearly lost my father and now he's still unconscious. I came to Luke as a friend and Michael saw us, now he hates me and he's never gonna talk to me again. Selyn's dad is gone too, like forever. Now you tell me to figure shit out!" I spat, looking her with rage in my eyes.

"Clover," Zoe sighed, "I didn't mean it like that. You know that we have to give our best on every show, and I didn't want to screw this night up. It's either giving our best, or just comepletely cancel the show." Zoe explained.

A tear fell upon my cheeks, as my hand quickly wiped it away.

"I'm sorry," I choked, "It's just too much, I can't do this." I cried out.

"You need to freshen up a little bit, Clover." Zoe told me, "I'll get you food, and I know you haven't eaten anything since yesterday." Zoe said, as she stood up.

I was about to object her offer, but nothing came out of my mouth. I sighed and wiped the excess tears from my damp cheeks. Zoe gave me a weak smile as she strode her way out of my room.

It's been sixteen hours since the last time my mom called me. She promised to give me a call, but she never did. She didn't even text me or at least tell me how was dad doing.

Groaning, I finally stood up from my bed. I decided to change into something more decent, since I had to sound check today.

I quickly grabbed my phone and pressed the group chat with my girls.

me: i'm on my way to sound check

Without even waiting for them to reply, I quickly locked my phone and left my hotel room.


"I'm on my way to sound check." I read out her text aloud, making me groan loudly.

To be honest right now, I ran out of tears. Clover and I decided to tell everyone what happened last night, and trust me it was a bad idea.

"I have to go," I mumbled, leaning back onto Luke's chest.

And just to let you guys know, Luke and I had become extremely close lately. He was a very good listener, and besides I've always liked him since the tour started.

"You're the strongest girl I've ever known," Luke told me, kissing the top of my head.

You probably expect me to have butterflies in my stomach right now, but I feel nothing. Not to be rude or anything, but so much things happened yesterday.

"Credits to you for making me feel better." I turned my head to face Luke, meeting his piercing blue eyes.

"Pshh," Luke rolled his eyes playfully, "It's nothing really." He smiled at me.

I sent him a weak smile, before finally getting up from the sofa.

"I'm coming with you," Luke said suddenly, as he followed me behind.

"You don't have to, Luke," I turned around to face him, "You've stayed up all night for me, take some rest before tonight's show." I told him.

"You sure?" Luke asked, tucking my brown hair behind my ear.

I nodded my head and smiled weakly. I can sense that he was worried, but he's not coming with me and that's final.

"See you later, Luke." I sighed, before turning around and exiting his room. Thankfully Michael wasn't around.

He went out earlier, saying that he needed fresh air. We couldn't blame him though, although it was only misunderstanding.

The hallway was empty like usual, probably because this hotel costs so much. I quickly make my way downstairs, entering the lobby.

As soon as I made an appearance, the once silent street turned into a chaotic one. I tried to smile at them, as I took some pictures.

Our body guard was already waiting by the end of the line, as he escorted me into the car. The venue was extremely close with the hotel, I could've walked there.

The car blasted off as soon as I got in, but the worst part was when the fans started running and chasing.

I saw a girl tripped and got stepped, but thankfully three girls went and helped. I sighed and brought my attention back.

Before I realized, I was already at the venue. Quickly, I got off the car and sped inside. I saw Zoe, Clover, and Karen was already on the stage, playing with their instruments.

Without wasting anymore time, I quickly went backstage and took my acoustic guitar, before finally joining the girls.

"I'm here," I panted, as the girls turned around to see me.

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