1 - printed in black

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i wrote this book when i was like, really nerdy and trust me, this book isn't my best effort. please bear with me because the story line is not even that well written. i warned you, but if you want to keep reading thing, be ready to cringe through out the whole story.

you can read my other book though. it's obviously improved than this one. i guess that's it. happy reading.



c l o v e r

"Thank you, Los Angeles!" Karen yelled on the microphone, as she brought her hands above her head and made a heart shape with it.

The crowd went wild as she did that, and right on cue, Selyn and I made an eye contact. I gave her a nod, as we ran to the middle of the venue on the stage. We then strummed our guitars for one last time, before we threw our guitar picks to the crowd.

It was like a routine after each show. Not that we were forced to, but we just wanted our fans - which were called Readers - to know the fact that we were so thankful for having them with us, also going through different kinds of shits were also quite a big deal.

Selyn and I bowed down together, as we smiled brightly to our fans. I could feel them getting louder every second passing through my earpiece, so I decided to plug out the earpieces from my ears.

The sound of their cheers and screams hit my eardrums right away, and it sounded like an alluring harmony in my ears. It was kind of weird, that they were able to give me this feeling of warmness, and it felt like home everytime I did this.

Selyn waved to the crowd, and both of us turned around eventually, approaching Karen and Zoe who were still waving at the crowd. Once the four of us were in the middle, Zoe blew a kiss to the fans, ending the after show routine we always did every single show.

I waved one last time, before the girls and I turned around and made our way backstage. The smile on my face was still prominent, because hell, it was one of the best show we had ever played recently.

"Girls, that was fucking awesome!" Zoe squealed afterwards, once we were all inside our dressing room. She placed the microphone on the dresser, as she began taking off her shoes with a huge grin on her face.

"Agreed! And the crowd, they were so loud!" I exclaimed, as I flopped on the couch with my guitar on my lap, feeling satisfied with tonight's show.

I was still overwhelmed with the crowd earlier. Even now, we could still hear their screams from the dressing room. I couldn't be more thankful having them sticking with us until now.

"One more show guys." Selyn said suddenly, drawing all of our attention to her. Then I realized that we would be flying off to California tomorrow, and that was going to be the last show of ours.

It was kind of bittersweet actually. It was good that we were done touring with Ariana Grande, and we could finally take a little break. But what we hated the most, was that we wouldn't be performing in a while and it sucked.

The four of us were deep in thoughts, thinking about what might happen for the next few months, but that was until we heard our band's name from the television that was on for god knows how long. We snapped our heads towards the TV, and our faces popped on the screen.

Zoe, Selyn, Karen, and I quickly settled down on the couch I was sitting, and I managed to grab the remote before increasing the volume. Feeling both giddy and nervous about whatever the woman was going to say.

"Printed In Black, the first female band to sell out staples center in less than a minute, and also who ticked off Shake It Off by Taylor Swift from the number one iTunes and Billboard Top Chart and remained there for the whole three weeks." The woman paused, my stomach did blackflips with every word she said.

"I'm really going to be sick after this." Karen mumbled, as she bit her nails nervously, a habbit of hers whenever she felt nervous.

Zoe was tapping her fingertips on her lap anxiously, and Selyn and I were holding hands, both of our hands were sweaty from so much tension in the room. I gulped when the woman started speaking again.

"But unfortunately, their position were taken by 5 Seconds of Summer, another pop/rock band, who was touring with One Direction for their Where We Are Tour this year. The song She Looks So Perfect took over Openbook by Prin-"

"Fucking hell?" Zoe hissed, cutting off whatever she was going to say, as her eyes widened in shock. The four of us quickly jerked up from the couch, as we made our way to our purse and bag to get our phones. I quickly took my phone from my bag, and quickly open iTunes, secretly still praying that the woman was wrong.

I mentally cursed and bit my lip when I saw our EP were down to number two, and She Looks So Perfect was currently number one.

I hesitated for awhile, but then I ended up buying the song from iTunes, because it must be a good song if it was number one on iTunes, right?

As I waited for the song to load, I scrolled downwards, and I figured that their album was out already, and they just released it two days ago. I sighed and downloaded some more of their songs, feeling curious about this band.

"I think it's time for a little stalking, girls." I heard Selyn mumbled from the other side of the room, making the rest of us turned our heads to her.



author's note

i really dont have anything to say, but oh well, here's a new book, and i'll most likely to delete it but my friends would definitely kill me

but anyways, here's a chapter! enjoy xx


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