25 - just friends

105 9 5

c l o v e r

I put my headphones on as I leaned back onto the soft material of my bunk bed. I stared blankly at the window, sighing as I closed my eyes.

After an exhausting night of our second show in Glasglow, we were told to pack our things up and continue our next show - which was in Newcastle.

It was kind of disappointing to know that we had a very limited time in every city. We didn't even get to talk or meet the fans in person, which saddened me the most.

Right now, the rest of the girls were at the back of the bus, probably chilling with 5sos. If you were wondering, their bus was really packed with our crew, so they went here a lot.

And talking about 5sos, there was a lot of things happening between them and us, and it was pretty funny.

After my small incident with Michael, he became more affectionate than he should have. I didn't see this as a bad thing though. Maybe not yet.

Michael was different. He was strong and independent, but he was also sweet and soft. He was really blunt, but he tried his best to not hurt people's feelings by his words.

I knew I had feelings for him, but I'm not sure if I want this feelings to grow or not. No one knew about this yet, but I guess I need to talk about it with someone.

An idea came through my mind, as I opened my eyes right away. I put my headphones down as I sat up straight, before slowly getting off my bunk.

As I made my way to the kitchen in the bus, I could already feel my heart beating faster than it usually does, which was really weird.

Small chatters filled my ears as soon as I neared them. It seemed like they were having some intense conversation, but I really didn't know what they were talking about.

I quickly stepped into the kitchen, as they all landed their eyes on me - minus Karen because he was probably out with Aaron. My eyes quickly wandered around the room, as it soon landed on the couple that I wanted to see.

Michael was also there, and he was sitting next to Ashton with my guitar on his lap. I tried to not smile, as I moved my eyes to Ashton.

"Um, Ashton, Zoe, can I talk to you for a while?" I asked them, as they both shared a look, before Zoe nodded her head.

"Sure," She said, as she stood up from the sofa, pulling Ashton's hand with hers.

Everyone looked at me weirdly, probably wondering what the fuck am I doing with Zoe and Ashton. I didn't even dare to look at Michael, as I quickly turned around and reached the front of my bunk again.

Zoe and Ashton trailed behind me, as they sat on the bunk, as I remained standing up.

"Okay," I sighed, "I really need your guys help, and this has been bugging me all week." I started off, as I glanced quickly to my right, making sure no one else was listening.

"Sure," Zoe answered unsurely, "Is there something wrong?" She asked concerned.

"Well," I said quietly, "I think I might like Michael." I confessed, looking at the ground.

"WHAT?" Ashton and Zoe exclaimed in unison. Making me jump im surpise.

"Shh," I scolded, "Shit the fuck up, they could hear us." I told them, worried if Michael was probably listening.

"Oh god- Clover, you really have to talk it out with Michael." Ashton said, as he stood up from his bunk.

"I don't know Ashton," I sighed, "I'm scared if he's gonna leave me for another girl, I mean - look at him." I said sadly.

"Well Clover, look at you." Zoe said, standing up. "Clover, stop being so insecure about yourself. You have a lot of quality in yourself that you don't even know it existed."

"Clover look," Ashton said, "We all know Michael likes to fuck around girls, but that's mainly because he doesn't have a girlfriend. I'm sure when he got you, he'll make you feel like a princess." Ashton reassured.


"Yeah," Ashton nodded, "Just talk it out with the boy, he likes you a lot too." He smiled at me.

I sighed and nodded my head slowly, as Zoe pulled me into a hug.

"Don't be scared, you're gonna make a hot couple." Zoe rubbed my back, as I slowly pulled away.

"Thank you very much," I smiled at Zoe and Ashton, as I gave him a really quick side hug. "I'll join you guys." I told them, as they nodded.

We shortly made our way back to the kitchen, as Ashton and Zoe took their previous seats. The only empty spot was beside Luke, so I casually made my way there.

"What was that about." Selyn asked, as she glanced between Ashton, Zoe, and me.

"Just a girls talk." Ashton replied with a girl voice, flipping his hair back. I giggled amd shook my head.

"Exactly." I said, as I averted my eyes to Michael - and I wasn't surprised when he was already looking at me.

s e l y n

"Lukey poo," I giggled nonchalantly, as I tugged on Luke's shirt. I tried my hardest to not trip, since everything seemed like a blur.

"Goddamnit," Luke cursed under his breath, "I told you to stop drinking." He sighed, as his hands made it to my waist.

A giggle escaped my lips, as Luke grabbed the red cup from my hands.

"Aw," I pouted, "You're lame." I whined, blinking a couple of times to make things clear again.

"And you're drunk." Luke said, as we started walking - more like Luke dragging me.

I could barely function under the loud music, or probably sweaty bodies all over the place.

As soon as we reached the front door, we quickly got out, and guess what, the paparazzi were already waiting for us.

I groaned as the flashes went off, hurtimg my eyes even more. Luke quickly pulled my head closer to his chest, as we started walking faster.

But they were also fast though. They quickly ran and circled around us, making it hard for us to see the right direction of where we were heading to.

"Luke! Are you guys dating?" Someone yelled loudly, making me cringe.

"No, we're just friends." Luke answered him, as they went nuts again. I groaned and palmed my temples.

We were blocked from every direction, and I couldn't even look up to see how hectic the situation was.

"Luke, are we there yet? My head is throbbing." I whispered quietly only for him to hear.

"Hold on." Luke sighed, "Hey, Ashton and Zoe is outside the club, they're dating. You guys should check on them instead!"

I scoffed quietly as they started to argue, debating wether they should stay or not. Luke took this chance to quickly get out of the paparazzi, trying to be unnoticed.

I took off my heels and walked barefoot, so it wouldn't be making noises. Luke grabbed my other hand, as we quickly jogged to our tour bus.

My shirt were slightly pushed up from running, but I couldn't care less about it. I was extremely dizzy, and my head wasn't even supporting me.

We finally reached the bus, and Luke let me in first. He trailed behind me as I threw my heels on the cushion, before I walked to the bunk section.

"Are you going to sleep here tonight?" I asked Luke, as I climbed onto my bunk.

"I'll just crash on your couch." He said.

"Wait, actually," I stopped Luke, "Sleep there, it's empty." I pointed to the bunk across from mine.

"Okay," Luke said, "You're not going to change?" He asked, as my eyes fluttered slowly.

"Nah, I'll pass tonight," I yawned, "Night Lukey Poo." I closed my eyes.

"Night Selyn." Luke sighed, and that was the last thing I heard.

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