7 - world tour plannings

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k a r e n

"So, Clover, all of us have seen your injured hand during the AMA'S," James - that happened to be our interviewer - started, as he looked over at Clover expectantly.

"Oh yeah! About this," Clover said too quickly, as she brought her left hand up and showed everyone the scar on her palm, "Well, it was right before our performance actually, and we were having a rehearsal. I think I was really into the song, and I kind of broke a string. So, it snapped and made a quite deep cut there." Clover lied, as she looked at her injured hand.

"We were actually worried that time, because she was going to have a guitar solo, and her hand was like, freshly injured." I spoke truthfully, and the girls nodded in unison.

"But you killed it that night! Get well soon, right?" He said kindly at Clover, and she nodden her head in response, smiling a little. "Oh, and we also heard about the tour." James said, moving on to the next topic, as the crowd cheered loudly, making me smile from ear to ear.

"Yeah! We just released our debut album, and we're going to have a world tour next month." Zoe announced, with a huge grin on her face.

"America, England, Europe, and Australia." Selyn listed out the countries we were going, as the fans let out a gasp from their mouth.

"Whoa, that's a pretty big one." James mused afterwards, as he propped his elbows on his thigh.

"Yeah, it is actually. Our fans were almost universal - whish is extremely unbelievable - and they've been requesting us to come to their countries. We do care for them a lot, and we love them more than anything, so basically, we're going on a world tour!" I said, and the crowd awwed in unison.

It was actually crazy though, because we went on two tours; Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato. Since then, the media had been crazy all over about us, and the fans were increasing so fast. By the end of Ariana's tour, we decided to have our own world tour, since we released our debut album already.

"So, any clues for the opening act?" James smiled, and the four of us shared a look quickly.

The truth is, we didn't even know who it'd be. Our manager told us a couple of days ago to start thinking about it, but we never really thought about it together.

"Uh, we haven't decided yet actually, but we'll inform you guys soon." Clover answered, as she sent James and the fans an apologetic smile.

"Oh, okay, that's alright! Well, I guess that's it for today? It was nice having you girls here, thank you for coming this far." James smiled at us, and we began to lean and give him a hug.

"Thank you for having us." I said back to James, as he patted my back two times in a friendly way. He released me from the hug quickly, and I followed the girls making their way to the dressing room.

I was glad that the interview was finally done, plus this is the first ever interview where they didn't ask us about 5 Seconds of Summer. They'd be trying to compare shit and say "Not to compare or anything." bullshit. I mean, if what they could ask is 5SOS, then why having us as their guest?

"Yo, Karennn." Zoe dragged my name out, drawing my attention back to her. Her right hand was on her phone, texting, and her left hand was on my shoulder.

"Zoe, I swear, are you still texting that stranger?" I asked her, furrowimg my eyebrows at her. She turned her head to me, and shrugged her shoulders as we walked.

"He's nice! And besides we exchanged names. Wait, scratch that, middle names. Just incase." Zoe replied with a small smile on her face.

"Really? What's his middle name then?" I asked curiously, as the both of us entered our dressing room with Selyn and Clover already inside.

"Fletcher." Zoe giggled quietly, making a brief eye contact with me, before she strode herself to Clover and Selyn. I sighed and shook my head, before my legs brought me to the nearest couch, and flopped my self on it.

I was so near to falling asleep, because my eyelids were literally 20 kilograms heavier than usual. But then, I heard a very loud voice coming from the door, making me cringe at the sudden noise.

I mentally cursed as I opened my eyes slightly. My eyes widened when I saw Lilly, our manager, bursted through the door with a face we couldn't quite tell. A frown was crept on my face, because I felt she was going to tell something bad.

The girls and I turned our heads to her, as she paced around the room back and forth. We stared at her in confusion, because none of us were speaking. It was weird to see Lilly's hair was sticking out everywhere and her shirt was tucked out. She looked like a complete crap, honestly.

"Lilly!" I said, trying to snap her back to reality. Lilly turned her head slightly to us, with a worried expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" Selyn asked, as she walked over to Lilly's side. By now the four of us had worried expressions, because once she told a bad news, it was a real bad news.

Lilly sighed, as she rubbed her temples in frustration. Quickly, I grabbed her arm gently and pulled her to seat on the couch. She took a deep breath, before releasing it.

"Girls, the media have been crazy about 5SOS and you guys." Lilly started off, as she glanced at the four of us cautiously.

Immediately, I groaned and leaned back on the couch. I knew this was going to come, and I knew those medias would make up false stories about us.

"They had a picture of the eight of you bickering backstage, and the fans aren't very happy about it." Lilly sighed, receiving more groans from the girls.

"Yeah? So what? Are we going to go on a happy date with them? Or are they going on tour with-" Zoe started with sarcasm, but she was cut off by Lilly.

"Actually girls, yes. They're going to be the opening act for your world tour." Lilly rushed out, as I looked at the girls dumfoundedly.




whoa, hey guys

im sorry the updates are slow af (maybe) but yeah, im having tons of quizzes and exams so yeah

i hope u like this chapter, altho its boring as usual, but thankyou for reading this, i love you! xx

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