30 - tour bus love story

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k a r e n

Six days. That's how long we've secluded ourselves from people. None of the girls tweeted a thing on social media, let alone going out in public. We only made appearance when the show starts, and we usually skip sound check.

Lilly kept on calling our phones, but none of us answered. Like what the fuck are you up to when everything's falling apart. 5sos also tried to talk to us but we only replied with simple 'hello' or 'hi's.

It was like we're completely done with shit.

Zoe was the only one who seems to be enjoying herself. She's literally dating with Ashton, and nothing could even go wrong.

Zoe tried to talk to us though, but it was never a long conversation. We were constantly on our phones, checking on how's the world doing without us.

I lazily dragged myself to the fridge, hoping that the girls left me spare food since we barely talk now. Thankfully, I spotted some sandwich in there. I took the plate out, before closing the fridge back.

"Karen?" A voice burst out of nowhere, making me jump as the plate nearly slip out of my hands.

"Shit," I hissed, looking to my left from where the loud voice came from. As soon as I saw Calum, my heart literally stopped, "Calum?"

"Surprise?" Calum made a face, as he came out from the toilet. He was wearing a flannel on top of a black shirt, hair was made into perfection, and lets not forget that he always smell like heaven.

My cheeks heat up when I realized that I haven't showered yet. I was wearing a tank top with a nike shorts. My hair was all over the place, and I wasn't wearing any make up. I quickly placed the plate on the table, before turning around.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, as I walked to my bunk. I can hear his footsteps following me, as a sigh escaped his lips.

"Karen, wait," Calum grabbed my wrist as he turned me around.

I mentally cursed as I avoided his brown gaze, feeling completely like shit for avoiding him and the rest of the boys.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I can hear the pain in his voice, as the grip on my wrist softened.

I don't even have an answer to that question. Maybe I just needed some time to think, or maybe I was afraid that Calum is going to make me like him.

Calum's warmth lingers around me, as I felt cozy and content inside. It was a completely different feeling when Aaron was around.

"I don't know," I mumbled, still looking down at my bare toes, "I'm just confused." I admitted.

Calum sighed, as he let go of my wrist and ran his fingers in his hair. Guilt immediately took over my body, as I bit my lip harshly.

"Look, I'm sorry," I apologized, as I slowly turned my face up to see his beautiful eyes.

His eyes were tired, as the prominent dark circles took over his delicate skin. Calum stared at me, before his eyes began to travel to see my features.

"It's okay," Calum replied, as a small smile crept slowly on his face, "Just missed you a lot," Calum said, making my stomach flip.

"Last time I heard, you were sick," I remembered the past few weeks, "What happened?" I asked him quietly.

Calum stared back at me, as his warm breath fanned across my face. My heart was beating a lot quicker than it usually does, and my breath was uneven.

"You're right," Calum suddenly spoke, as he nodded, "My heart was broken, but someone fixed it back together,"


z o e

I literally snuck out of the bus. I'm pretty sure everyone was too caught up to even realize that I'm gone, but it doesn't matter.

I'm pretty sure the girls needed their space, because a lot of things happened these few weeks.

Right now I was sneaking into the boys' bus. I've told Ashton that I'm coming over, he told me he had some pizza. Imagine how I live with three girls who doesn't really eat anything.

So pulling my hoodie around me tighter, I approached their bus. It was like 10 feet away, but I didn't want anyone to see me.

As soon as I opened their door, someone bursts out from the the bus. The door pushed me back down, as I fell down on my knees.

"Fuck!" I yelled loudly, as I stared at my already bleeding knee.

"Shit, Zoe?" Calum's voice startled me, as I snapped my head up, "Oh god, I'm so sorry," He rushed down to me, as he helped me up.

Calum placed his hand on the small of my back, as he guide me into their bus. As soon as I stepped inside, the smell of expensive colognes fills my nostrils.

"MY GIRLFRIEND'S BITCHIN CAUSE- shit, Zoe?" Luke paused his dramatic signing, as he quickly scurried his way to me.

"Zoe, I'm so sorry, fuck fuck fuck," Calum hissed, helping me to sit down on the couch, "Ashton's gonna kill me,"

"ASHTON!" Luke yelled, smirking at Calum. Calum eyes' widened, as he slapped Luke's arm.

"What the fuck, Luke?" Calum frowned, as I felt his palms started to sweat.

"I'm coming! What's wrong Lu- Zoe?" Ashton walked in, as the looked around to finally realize what's happening, "Zoe?!" His eyes widened.

"Hi?" I made a face, as Ashton stared down at my knee, "Look, it's completely fine. I'm just clumsy and let's just clean this up." I said rather too quickly, already standing up.

"Wait, what?" Ashton's furrowed his eyebrows, as he quickly held my arms and pulled me closer to him, "You fell?" He asked, as we began walking to the toilet.

"Yeah," I answered sheepishly, as I glanced quickly at Calum; who had a guilty look on his face.

Ashton started to ramble about things, as I mouthed a 'you're welcome' to Calum. Luke pouted, as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing, as we finally got inside the small toilet. Ashton sighed, as he lifted my up easily and placed me on the counter.

"You don't have to do this," I told Ashton, as I saw him took the first aid box.

"But I want to do this." Ashton answered, smiling slightly at me, "You're hurt, and it matters." He spoke, taking out the stuffs he needed.

A small smile crept upon my face as he said this. Ashton came closer and kissed my forehead, making my smile turn into a grin.

Ashton returned his signature smile, as he started cleaning my knee.

"I'm so happy to have a boyfriend like you," I told him, as my hands went to his cheeks.

"And I don't want to trade you with anything else in this world," Ashton said, as he leaned in so our lips would meet.



HOLY SHIT that was a long update. but look at the good side. they're releasing sounds good feels good, and their new single is literally skownciskxnfwknxjc.

fly away is really good, like it's a different thing from what they've done, but it's a good change. i literally pressed the pre order button even though im broke, but hopefully the album turns out well!

well see u next time :)

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