❝𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬❞

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Things weren't looking too good for you now. Norman had left to bring his wife and his son to the factory. 

In the meantime, you were spending your time with Hellen, since she was growing with every day. 

This made you happier that you'd be the baby's godmother, and after all, it helped you get your mind off of your current family situation. 

"Y/n, December is approaching, do you think you and Willy will decorate your first Christmas tree together?" asked Hellen, you chuckled to yourself, rubbing your chin. 

"I would love for that to happen! I've always wanted me and Willy to do it as a couple, it makes me remember those lovely memories from the past as well!" you chuckled as the fond memories. 

"Tell me about it, Y/n." Hellen said making you smile, "Well, one year, I think it was around five or so years ago, when Willy and I decorated the factory for the first time!" you exclaimed as you thought of the day that you begged and pleaded until Willy gave in to your wishes. 

Unknown to you, Willy and Richard were standing outside. 

"Sounds wonderful!" Hellen said as you nodded, 

"Indeed it was, Willy was very caring when it came to my wishes for Christmas! We'd play old Christmas songs, and we'd sing while the other workers helped decorate as well!" you chuckled, 

"One year, I fell off of the ladder and right into Willy's arms as the other workers put a mistletoe above our heads!" 

You and Hellen laughed at the fond memory, "Do you think we could decorate it this year as well?" Hellen asked, you shrugged your shoulders, 

"Willy has changed quite a bit, I am not certain I can convince him to do so, but that doesn't mean I won't try!" you laughed once more, before you heard a soft knock, followed by a chuckle. 

"Evening, my ladies." said Willy, followed by Richard. 

"Ah! Brother and Willy! Lovely to see you both!" you greeted them as Willy sat next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist

"Darling, I was meaning to ask you something. Something I think you'll find very important." he said, making you look at him with a blush on your already rosy pink cheeks. 

"Yes, Willy?" you asked, anticipating that he'd ask you right away, "Come along darling, I would like to ask you this in private." said Willy, making you get up and say your goodbyes to Hellen and Richard. 

"Now, tell me, what is your question, Willy?" you asked, slightly impatient, "Now, now, my love, be patient, it is quite an important question, and all must be perfect!"

You chuckled as he brought you outside. 

It seemed to be snowing at this time as well. 

Oh, how quickly the weather changed. 

You looked over to see a small house, it seemed like one of those houses where people would sell sausages on Advent, you could feel the smell of hot chocolate fill your nostrils. "Willy, is that for us?" 

He nodded, "Come dear! You must see what's inside!" you quickly, like children, ran inside. However, the moment you stepped inside, you were at a loss for words. 

"Willy! This is beautiful!" you said as before your eyes stood a gigantic factory of hot chocolate and other Christmas themed sweets. 

"Oh my goodness!" you felt Willy pull you into the small boat, again, it sailed thanks to the Oompa Loompas. 

You were seated, snuggled against Willy, as there was a river of chocolate in this factory as well. You could see different sorts of machines, all made to make Christmas themed sweets and candies. 

Suddenly, you felt Willy grip your chin, "My love, I was wondering..." he gently spoke, but was interrupted as suddenly ''Jingle Bell Rock'' began playing. 

You couldn't help but chuckle, as the two of you got sprinkled by ''snow'' which was actually powdered sugar. 

"Y-You were saying, Willy?" you looked at your lover, smiling, "R-Right, I meant to ask you, would you like us to... U-Uhm, h-have our wedding here? I thought we could get married on C-Christmas." he said, catching you off guard, you looked deeply into his eyes, soon eyeing his lips. 

"I do. I want to." you said as you suddenly pressed your lips together, gently kissing one another. He gently licked along your bottom lip, asking for permission, as the two of you were slowly sailing along the chocolate river. 

You separated your lips, allowing him to press his wet muscle into your mouth, making you taste the powdered sugar which was falling onto the two of you. 

You gently broke the kiss, looking at one another, as suddenly, you and Willy reunited your lips in a more deep and passionate kiss, as the two of you held onto one another in a warm embrace. Soon, maybe even too soon, the boat stopped. 

"Ah, we've arrived." Willy said as he helped you out of the ship, "How wonderful, Willy." - you smiled as you held his hand. 

You could see the gigantic room across a small hallway, "Come along darling." he said, holding your hand tightly, you walked up to the door of the gigantic room. 

Smiling as he suddenly slammed the door open, kissing you with such need and hungrily, there was still a month away from Christmas, but you were already getting your greatest Christmas present you could get.

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now