My Dear Alpha Dad

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I hadn't heard his voice in so many years outside of a few days ago when I asked if we could come to the pack and now today. His gruff voice echoing through the house as I could tell he was speaking to my mother about something which with him who knows what it was about. I took a deep breath knowing he was excited about me returning and taking my rightful position as the Alpha. I did mention Claire, but my father seemed to be in disbelief that I had actually found my mate, his voice had held skepticism within it when I had spoken to him. I want him and my mother to accept her, yes, we have a unique situation with Kade and I both being her mates, will he accept it? I knew I needed to confront this head on regardless because I will not let anyone make my mate feel upset because she is gifted two mates instead of just one.

I took Claire's hand in my own as Kade followed beside her as I led them towards the dining room, it still amazes me nothing really has changed since I was here as a teenager. Yes, there was new paint and new tiny décor changes, but it hasn't changed outside of that, we continued into the dining room as I saw my father sitting at the end of the table with his stoic expression, well that is until he saw me.

"Drake! Am I dreaming or are you actually here? I have missed you my son, I wished for this day where you would come home and take your rightful place. Welcome home, son." He spoke as his eyes brightened.

"Hi dad, I am glad to see you doesn't look like you have changed an ounce since I was a teen. Still the amazingly strong Alpha and father. I do want you to meet my mate, her name is Claire." I informed him.

I pulled Claire closer to me as I wrapped my arm around her back pulling her into my side, I could tell she was nervous as her body trembled slightly within my grasp. I could see my father scanning my mate up and down taking in her appearance and demeanor while being held by me.

"Hello, my dear, so you are the one destined for my son, are you? Are you his actual mate or a chosen one?" He questioned.

Claire looked at me with an expression of concern as she clutched my shirt in her empty hand, I could tell this was causing her some stress which I do not like. She opened her mouth to speak a few times, yet nothing slipped from her beautiful lips. As she tried again, I noticed her words coming out blunt and caring, yet they held a little bite to them.

"Hello Alpha, I am Claire, yes I am your son's mate not a chosen one. He is all I could wish for in a mate and I do want to inform you before you even have a chance to ask...this other Alpha at my side is also my true mate. I was blessed with them both. I am sure you have questions and I do ask that you ask them in a manner without the skepticism or doubtful underlying tone to your words please." Claire replied to him.

He looked at her in disbelief she told him that Kade and I were both her mates, yet I think her telling him she wanted him to ask his questions without any snide intentions to his words. I loved it to be honest my beautiful mate has so much strength within her. She is a true Alpha female who will not stand down to anyone outside of Kade and I. She amazed me at how she carries herself even in the presence of the most feared Alpha in the world. Oh yes in case I hadn't mentioned...he is the most feared, yet we are the strongest one in the United States after all.

My mother walked into the room as the tension could be felt in the room with three Alpha males and Alpha females, it was intense to say the least.

"Dinner is ready will everyone please have a seat." My mother spoke sweetly.

Her eyes darting from me to my father then my mate and Kade, it was as if she was trying to figure this all out. I know she would never make my mate uncomfortable, that is not how she is, she is the most caring and nurturing she wolf I have ever encountered. We all sat down at the table, Claire at my side with Kade on the other side of her. Tiff and Lauren and Randy sat on the other side of the table looking at us with concern.

"So, son, are you going to tell me why after so many years you decided to come home, you mentioned you were ready to take your position along with a situation regarding this other Alpha." He spoke as he gestured to Kade.

"Yes, I am prepared to take my position as Alpha since I have found my mate. I know this situation is odd, but it is the reality of the situation. Before you even say for me to make her choose only one of us, that is not going to happen. She can not be away from Kade without physical harm to herself, they are true mates. She is my mate, and I will be truthful I wanted her as my mate from the very first day I had laid eyes on her." I informed him.

He looked at me in disbelief, his eyes darting between the three of us taking in our every movement and action with one another. I know he was watching for details to see if what I was saying was true.

"True mates are extremely rare, how is it you are true mates my dear?" My father asked my mate.

"Alpha, I am not sure, but he is my true mate...I can not be away from him without suffering pain. I am sure you have your questions, but we have a bigger situation than me being Kade's mate as well. Yes, Drake wants to take his position as Alpha, but we also are requesting the help of the Azure pack." She replied confidently.

"What do you mean help from us, for what? Why would you need my pack when you have your own pack?" He asked harshly.

"Alpha, I understand you may wish to stay out of this. Yes, I do have my own pack and the warriors were trained by your son but when it comes to what has happened, we could use a stronger stand with warriors from your own pack. My mate Kade was set to have a chosen mate, it was arranged when he was still a pup and his parents along with the she wolf's parents have made it clear he had to be mated to her to be Alpha. I guess it is confusing, but Kade is my mate, and no one shall have what is mine!" She spoke with authority.

"Perhaps he should just accept mating her and keep his Alpha position." He spoke.

I felt my blood boil knowing that is not even an option it would cause my mate to go crazy knowing another was touching her mate. I let out a low growl directed towards my father, as I looked at him with extreme anger at his comment. I noticed Kade had been quiet this whole time, which is not like him, but I knew it was coming.

"Alpha, I do not mean any disrespect, but you expect me to take a chosen mate when my true mate is sitting next to me? I would end up killing everyone and everything that stood in between myself and my mate and our pup. I will not be forced to take a she-wolf that is not my mate, I was given no choice in this...I do want my Alpha position but with my true mate. How would you feel if I told you that you had to let go of your mate and take a chosen one?" Kade practically spat at my father.

My father looked at Kade with curiosity wondering if his words were true, his eyes darted between us all as they landed on Claire as his eyes scanned lower most likely trying to see if she indeed was pregnant with a pup.

"What are your intentions to deal with the situation with your parents and this she-wolfs parents? What are your intentions for the chosen mate you have been given?" My father asked Kade.

"Honestly I am tempted to just kill them all!" He spat.

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