NEVER! ~ Alexander Clay's *Drake's Father's POV

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There is no way in hell that werewolf is going to take my mate! I growled to myself. Feeling the rage build in me as I watched Ferris pull my mate into his side as he grinned at me made it build to an undeniable level. I want to tear that piece of shit Alpha apart for touching what is mine. I had warned him once and now he has stolen what is mine! 

My mind began running trying to figure out a way out of this cell as my son looked upon me with total distain. How have things gotten so out of control? Yes, I had put her in the cells in the past to make her know her place.

What, do you think I will allow anyone to stand against me or the things I dictate within my own pack? She is mine and only mine and she once again will learn her place even if it means she finds herself in my current position behind these metal bars. 

As I watched my mate smiling widely as she looked at me in my current position, I wanted to grab ahold of her by her hair and make her submit to me. A growl ripped from me as they all stood there with their smug grins which I want to rip off of their faces.

"You lost!" My mate growled low.

"Oh, just you wait mate for you shall once again learn your place and that is with me!" I growled menacingly.

"It's over Alexander I am now with my true mate and there is nothing you can do now...look where you found yourself!" She spoke confidentially.

She is standing up to me which I will not have...I am the Alpha, and I shall once again have what is mine no matter how long it takes! I looked into her eyes seeing her confidence and a touch of smugness at our current positions. She will pay for that. I felt a growl building within me as I now want to destroy everything in my path including her! 

She will not humiliate me in such a way and get away with it! I am sure the whole pack is aware of what has transpired but why have none of them come to get me out of this cell? Could my son have made such changes that they liked what he was doing? Nah...there is no way many of them would agree with him.

"You shall find yourself behind these bars once more Cassidy if you do this! You are my mate, and you will learn it one way or another. There is no turning back or changing that!" I growled deeply.

"I am no longer your mate; I Cassidy Elisabeth Azure reject you Alexander Clay Azure as my mate and Alpha. You hold me no more!" She growled out as a cry of pain escaped from her.

Suddenly I felt a burning pain within as it felt something was being torn from me in the most violent way possible. My breath became short as my legs collapsed beneath me. My hands slammed down onto the cold concrete floor as I tried to catch my breath. My mate had just rejected me! That bitch will pay with her life for this!

The rage within me was undeniable as the pain from her rejection surged through me. I lifted my head to look towards my mate as I saw her on the floor crying out in pain. Something in me wanted to comfort her. What the hell is wrong with me? She deserves to suffer for this, so what... yes, I slept with others to produce my line so it would remain strong no matter what.

 Alright so I put her in the cells for a week when she fought me about sleeping with others. I am beginning to wonder if that wasn't a strong enough punishment for her going against me considering the actions she is now taking. How could she? I growled to myself as the pain continued to burn through me.

"You may be my father, but I will never look at you as a parental figure considering I made sure I left this pack to find a place where I could be myself without your warped idealisms and expectations. You're sick! That's why I found a true Alpha to follow!" Drake growled at me.

I growled out in rage knowing my son had alternative plans outside of his original statement that he wanted to basically spread his wings. He makes me sick as he stands there holding his mate to him while another male is touching her as well. 

I would have killed him, no way will another have what is mine and one way or another I shall prove that to Ferris! My stomach clenched as the searing pain coursed through me. I knew I had to find a way out of here to get my mate and to make this Alpha pay with his life!

They gazed at me with distain written upon their faces. Do they think they are any better than me when they deny themselves the pure instinct of breeding? I began to think about who in the pack would still remain loyal to me. Many names began to flood my mind. They believed as I did in the need of fulfilling the pure desire and need to breed regardless of the female. They are meant to be bred and one way or another they shall be, by me and the males of my pack. Perhaps I should bring in some new breeding stock once I deal with my infuriating son who thinks he is above it all.

Now the question was would any of these males be put onto guard duty? Remembering how sly and downright backstabbing some of the male werewolves in my pack can be I have no doubt they can pull the wool over my sons' eyes. At least one of them would be assigned guard detail and when they do, I am out of here, I shall have my pack once more even if it means I kill my own son! I will kill him and that Kade and use his female as a breeder, she will learn like the rest that is what females are used for! Tending to the male werewolves of the pack in all ways, feeding them, mating them, and carrying their pups.

I noticed someone walk up behind Drake and his mate and as I did a smile spread across my face knowing things would become very interesting once they left the pack even for a moment. My best friend Trayvon had stepped down into the cells as well, he must be on duty. He grinned at me and gave me a little wink as he stood there with his arms behind his back as if he were just doing his duty and supervising the interactions to prevent any situation.

I began laughing through the gut-wrenching pain from my mate's rejection as I now know my current situation is very temporary because once I am out of here hell is about to rain down on Drake and all those associated with him or my mate. If it means war.... So be it!

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