I can't believe it's him! ~Cassidy's POV

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Unsure if I could believe my own eyes, handsome as ever, electric blue eyes staring into my own, and one hell of a fierce look on his beautiful face. My heart began to pound like a wild drum as I looked at him in awe. Could he really be here? My mate! How can he look at me like this when I am nothing but the shell of a werewolf he once knew? It feels as if all these years have torn me apart leaving nothing left? He reached up brushing his fingers down my cheek as his eyes never left mine.

I am confused beyond words. Why would he come now of all times? Did Drake call him?

"How were you able to come here?" I whispered out.

"Drake called me and said you needed me; you have no idea how long I have waited to hear those words!" He growled low.

Tears began to build in my eyes as everything within me wanted to be wrapped tight to him and to never be released! It amazes me that I feel so strongly when we had only seen each other for a short time, and it was not anything, but mere glances and soft words spoken when others were not listening. The most I was ever able to say to him was 'I'm sorry.' Then he was gone because of my husband, the abusive Alpha I had been forced to mate with. No, I have never told anyone that in truth I was forced to mate him. I was too ashamed of myself and of them!

Who would ever think the ones who were meant to protect you would toss you to the wolves literally? My parents did it to me! I remember the night I had met him; he came to our pack because we were having a large celebration and my parents opened our boarders for other packs to join us. 

Now I realize it was nothing more than a way for them on who to give me to! I was dressed in a beautiful light blue dress that flowed as I wore the fluted dress. I took my own breath away. I didn't realize I could actually look pretty. I never thought of myself as much of a looker but that night, I felt beautiful as my hair and makeup were done fantastically and my long hair was swept up into a fanciful bun.

As the packs arrived, I heard my mother call for me. Taking a deep breath I walked out of my room towards the staircase noticing many werewolves all standing around looking towards where I would come down. My heart went frantic as I then wanted nothing more than to run back into my room.

"Let's go Cassidy everyone is waiting for you!" Olivia spoke harshly.

She was basically my attendant who helped me dress for events or if I needed anything. I looked back at her as fear filled my face but there was nothing but a hard cold stare coming from her. Never in my life did I think I would receive that reaction from her. She had always been so loving and sweet to me...what happened? I turned my head back around and began to descend the long staircase as over fifty sets of eyes watched my every movement. Fear continued to build as I felt my stomach clinching as my breathing became labored. My parents watched me like a hawk scrutinizing my every step and how I held myself in front of all these werewolves.

"I would like to present our daughter Cassidy Kara Adler." My father spoke proudly.

As I began walking around the room, I noticed many werewolves introducing themselves to me, yes some were friendly and sweet and then there was Alexander Clay Azure, he was not sweet or friendly in the least. His eyes gazed at me scanning me up and down as if he were evaluating me. He never approached me or even looked into my eyes. The expression he held was one of boredom and distain, unsure if it was because he was there or if it was in regard to me.

 I made my rounds around the room meeting many very handsome and doting werewolf Alphas who seemed to take interest in me. I conducted myself in a proper manner so my father couldn't reprimand me later. But that is when everything went to hell in a handbag. My father looked around the room as his eyes locked with mine.

Taking a step up onto the bottom step of the staircase he turned to face everyone as he drew everyone's attention to him and him alone.

"I would like to announce the upcoming mating of our daughter Cassidy to Alexander Clay Azure, may they find happiness within one another!" My father boomed out to the room.

My breathing became ragged as I felt myself becoming faint at my father's words. How could he do this to me? He just gave me away to a random werewolf and one who is not my mate! As I felt my body going limp someone had caught me, a random werewolf I briefly spoke to by the name of Darion Lancaster. He was a friendly male who seemed to take an interest in me but now, what would my life hold?

"Release what is mine!" A growl ripped through the room.

My arm was grabbed roughly pulling me from the male as I toppled to the floor then being pulled up against a hard body, the one who now I belong to! No...this can't be! I am now trapped in my own nightmare. Could this werewolf make me happy? My mind fell into complete blackness as the shock took over my entire mind leaving me limp against this male. My unchosen mate!

He ripped me from my memories as his soft lips pressed against mine, sparks bursting through me as a soft whine escaped, against his lips. My true mate, Ferris!

My arms snaked around his neck as he pulled me into him closer to himself, heart pounding, breathing ragged as a warmth I have never known washed over me like a warm summer wave. As I opened my eyes as our lips broke apart, I could see love, admiration and desire held within the depths of his eyes. 

It surprises me that he would still want me after all these years, but I am his, his to hold, keep and love. The idea of that is absolutely quite enticing to say the least but what would all this mean now?

"Ferris, what now? We know we are true mates, but I have known nothing more than being a ugh umm never mind." My voice broke as tears streamed down my cheeks.

His face contorted with concern and rage at seeing my reaction.

"Nothing but what mate?" He asked softly with a low growl.

I could see my son and his mate along with Kade looking at us curiously. I hate to admit what I have been put through with them present, but I suppose it will all come out eventually!

"I was nothing more than a way for him to have a child, along with someone for him to beat, throw in a cell and torture. I am not good enough for you Farris, I was broken long ago!" I whispered out as my sobs grew stronger.

I could feel my heart breaking with every word I spoke, but I had to tell him the truth, he deserves a chance at true happiness. The mere idea of not having him now would break the small part of me that remained but it was worth it to let him find someone who wasn't broken as badly as I am. I placed my hand against his chest pushing slightly even against my own will wanting him to realize he deserves better. 

As he captured me into a crushing hug as my breath was knocked clear from me as shock rocked me, his breath tickling my neck as a strange sensation washed over me. Pure longing and desire! I want this werewolf, my mate regardless of how broken I am, but my heart wants better for him.

"You're the best thing for me! My true mate, the one I will live every day striving to make happy and my sweet you are not broken, you were abused but that is at an end! I want to kill that son of a bitch for what he has done to you! I swear to you, not a day shall pass you do not feel loved or cherished for the sheer amazing she-wolf you are! My mate, my Luna!" He whispered against my neck.

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