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As we all stood there grinning, we heard tires squealing to a halt just outside of our boarder. Now the question is will he be brave enough to dare walk in here considering our warriors were already prepared for his arrival. I knew this was the best scenario we could have come up with in the time frame we had. Yet, seriously what could he really do. Nothing! He has a few warriors while we have an entire pack, I grinned watching as I heard a noise coming Drake's mother's direction.

We all looked at her noticing that her eyes had turned dark with rage which surprised us. She is always the one who is so calm and cool about things. Drake seemed to get a look of concern as she began walking forward down the stone stairs. She watched intently towards the drive as she was expecting to see the bastard any second. I grinned knowing exactly what was occurring, she wanted to kill him herself.

"Mom, what are you doing? Get up behind the warriors!" Drake growled low.

"No, I am going to deal with this son of a bitch myself. He used his mate as a pawn to gain my son's mate. I don't think so!" She snarled viciously.

Drakes' eyes widened at her words as he had never seen her anything but as a pacifist. I began laughing knowing she was going to make Ferris cry like a baby, she was showing her pent-up frustration from years of mistreatment. To be honest, I am very proud of her. Drake looked at me as if I had lost me because I was smiling and laughing at his mother's reaction. Does he not realize how much rage she must have from all these years of torment and then to be betrayed by her true mate? I think he is about to. 

Just as expected Ferris came strutting down the drive followed by several warriors. He held the look of contempt on his face as he looked over all of us not knowing what to expect. Then his eyes landed on his mate who now stood upright and the way she had unzipped her dress moments before he made an appearance I don't doubt she is about to shift as well.

I grinned widely as I looked at Ferris as he squinted at her as he was not sure what to expect. I continued to watch but also prepared to intervene at a moment's notice. I have no hesitation in letting my clothes shred in front of everyone. I do it plenty as it is, I laughed to myself. I noticed Drake shuffle closer to me as did Kade, we were all prepared for whatever Ferris was planning.

"I am here to claim my mate!" He growled out.

Drakes' mom looked at him and began laughing hysterically as he looked at him as a joke.

"You aren't here to claim me! You came here thinking you could take my son's mate! That will not be happening!" She growled out evilly.

"Oh, I shall be taking what I want mate. Do you think you can stand against me?" He chuckled.

She nodded confidently as he began taking steps towards her. My heart began to race as worry filled me knowing Ferris could hurt her and that is not acceptable.  I let out a deep audible growl in warning to Ferris, signaling what would happen to him if he even attempted to harm her. He turned his head looking at me as if he were amused that he gained a reaction from me. Well, he is about to gain a reaction he will not like one bit!

Ferris halted about five feet from her as he grinned at her which you could tell was filled with other intent. Who does this prick think he is?

"Mate's I am shifting. Let's see how brave he is with a Lycan standing here." I linked them.

I could hear my mates give a small seductive growl in approval of my suggestion. Ferris took another step closer to her and as he did, I shifted on the spot taking a step forward. Let's see how he likes playing with someone bigger than him! Ferris' eyes snapped at mine yet mine had already locked onto him seconds before he looked over. His face paled knowing exactly what this meant, now the question is will he dare do something now?

He let a low growl out as Drake's mother stepped back a few steps and shifted on the spot. She wanted his blood and intended on getting it one way or another. He looked at her in surprise as he raised his eyebrow mockingly.

"Do you honestly think you can take me even in your shifted form? No, you can't, and you know it. No wonders your mate locked you up in the cells, your worthless!" He growled at her.

Oh, hell no! I felt the rage building within me as it was taking everything within me not to jump right next to him and grab his little twig of a throat and tear it out as he gets to watch us all grinning at him while he bleeds out before us, or perhaps ripping his head off may be more fun. I pondered those thoughts when they came to me. I laughed in amusement. Yes, I would rather see how many parts I can rip off him without him dying. I grinned widely. Yes, seeing a Lycan grin like that is a horrifying thing to say the least. 

My mates could tell I had something evil and sadistic running through my mind just from the grin that spread on my face revealing all my razor-sharp teeth. Oh yes, my teeth could tear anything apart with barely a touch. So, there is one downside of smiling like this, you drool. Alright, there I said it. I thought to myself. My mates giggled and at that moment I knew they were listening to my inner monolog. Never a moment of privacy, I tell you. I shook my large head as I gazed at them for a moment then my eyes returned to Ferris who now was calling for some of his warriors to come stand near him.

"Yay, more play toys!" I giggled through our link. 

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