Alpha Pups

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We gazed over the werewolves before us, all eyes trained on us but as I looked closer, I still saw none of the small pups that would have been from Drake's father. I turned to look at Drake then back over the awaiting wolves. I knew we needed to get this over before the situation became tenser than it already was.

"Where are the children of the Alpha? I want them brought forward in front of us." I demanded.

Knowing all of this was a lot for my mate. Knowing his father was no more than a werewolf man whore infuriated him and I knew it. His silence did not deter me from knowing the truth as he turned and looked at me in an appreciative manner, taking a deep breath and sighing out.

"You can do this mate; you are a great lead them." I whispered through our link.

Several she-wolves began walking young pups forward to the front. After five minutes there were over forty pups gathered in front of us. Their ages ranged from newborn to the age of seventeen. Shock held us steadfast as we could not believe what we were seeing. A wave of Alpha children that were born from distain and a warped sense of needing to breed to procreate. Some of the young ones wiggled in their mothers' arms as their cries filled the room. A wave of sickness washed over me knowing these poor pups were just something to gain from the past Alpha.

"These pups have never done anything wrong to deserve what has befallen them. I will assure you all have everything you need so these pups can thrive and grow into powerful werewolves. I offer now, would any of you like to go to my mate's pack where you would be welcomed and treated no differently than any other pack member? You will be a vital part of the pack regardless of what you choose to do to assist in it. Her father is the Alpha, as she shall be when he steps down. 

Your safety is assured if you choose to go there...she can tell you more about her pack. I also shall build a Packhouse for you all, so the pups can grow up together in the same home. You as their mothers will reside in the pack house with them. Instruction and training will be conducted so they gain the best schooling and physical training that can be had. Take some time and decide what you would like to do. Xavier will be joining me for a bit so he learns how things are done and then he shall stand in my place while I am not here." Drake informed them all.

All their expressions contorted as they did not expect Drake to say what he had. Did they expect him to banish children and she-wolves from the pack? Do they think him such a beast? Rolling my eyes, I knew they would all have adjusting to do but it shall be done regardless of their protests.

"We want she-wolves to breed with...yet you plan on taking them from us!" One male growled out in a rage of fury.

"Indeed, I do! No, she-wolf should have to suffer as you choose to make her bear your pups. Nor shall they ever again! If they choose to mate with you then you are their mate, and it is your job to care for them and raise your family. If you just want to breed, you're out of luck! They are free and strong and shall be respected just like any male werewolf is." Drake informed all of them.

Jaws dropped open realizing the implications of his command as low growls filled the room as several stormed off in a fit of rage. I guess they are the ones who supported his father's breeding decisions which were thrust on the she-wolves. I know for a fact we may lose some werewolves in this pack because they liked the ability to force breed yet that only benefited them, not the poor she-wolves who had to suffer them.

 I sighed knowing this would not be easy or a short process by any means, but we have so many things we must do to get this pack situation and then to return to deal with Kade's family. Oh joy, more ignorant werewolves who think they are above everyone and everything. I will have all of these packs straightened out if it is the last thing I do. I want all of them to have a safe place to call home without the treat of being demeaned.

"Also, training will begin in two days...every werewolf over the age of five and under the age of sixty will attend. The elder wolves shall tend to the pups while the she-wolves are training. This is to grow the strength of the pack and its unity. Training begins at five am daily. Be prepared and I expect to see you all there." Drake ordered gruffly.

Pleased with seeing my mate telling the pack what he expects and the changes he intends to make, it warms my heart knowing he is trying to better this pack.

"If there are any conflicts between werewolves, they are to be brought to Kade or myself. You will not bother my mate with them!" Drake informed them all as his final words.

He turned and wrapped his arm around me as the three of us walked off the stage and out of the building as we heard many begin to argue and whispers flow around the room. I guess this is a bigger change than they had expected. As we reached the front door of the Alpha house, we heard sobs coming from inside. As we stepped in, we noticed Luna sitting on the couch crying.

"Mother, what is wrong...why are you crying?" Drake asked as his voice filled with concern.

"Why do I care about him still after everything he has done to me? I don't understand. I have rage and fury coursing through me yet another part of myself forgives his actions. What is wrong with me?" She asked as tears streamed from her eyes.

"He forced you into accepting his actions and it has made you forgive him for them. Mom it is time you find a path that suits you! You are an Alpha female who deserves respect and love...not a false mating. He's out there isn't he? You feel him, don't you?" Drake asked.

Her eyes widened in shock at his words as if what he spoke revealed her most hidden secret. She clapped her hand over her mouth as her body began to tremble, tears filling her eyes as they broke their barriers. I walked over to her rubbing her back softly trying to soothe her racking body.

"How do you know?" She stammered out in shock.

"I had a feeling a long time ago mom. I remember an Alpha from another pack came to speak to dad and your eyes widened as your nose flared as his scent hit you. The utter shock you had on your face said it all. I could see he was suffering the same effects as well. Did he ever try to get you to leave with him?" Drake asked.

"He did but your father had taken notice of the effect we had on one another and told him he either left or that he would kill me forever taking me from him. So, with rage and tears within his eyes he bid me farewell as our hearts cried out for one another. He was going to kill me if he didn't leave, can you believe that?" She whispered out.

"Luna, what is his name?" I asked softly.

"Oh, it was so long ago I am not sure if I remember it." She whispered in response as I could see her thinking hard.

"Try to remember it, we will right things! You deserve pure happiness with your mate." I growled low.

After several minutes of her thinking she replied.

"His name is Alpha Farris of the Fallen Sky Pack, if I am not mistaken it isn't too far from here." She whispered out.

Wanting to guarantee he would come for her but the reality of it was he could have chosen a mate to take as his own. After all these years would he still have waited for her? My heart hurts for her and the potential outcome of this, but we had to know.

I stood up and walked towards my mates as Drake stepped around me walking to his mother as he kissed the top of her head, whispering something to her. She nodded and began drying her tears and trying to compose herself as she sat on the couch. He returned to me as he led us to his father's office so we could address this now. As Drake sat down, he picked up the phone dialing a number which was scribbled into a notebook on the desk.

"Hello, is this Alpha Farris?" Drake asked as he waited for a reply.

"This is, who are you and what do you want?" He growled in response.

"I shall make this short. Cassidy needs you! Are you mated to another?" I asked sternly.

Silence filled the line as his answer was harsh and blunt.

"No, I'm coming!" He growled viciously through the phone.

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