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The silence of a true friend always hurts more than the rough words spoken by the enemy.


So in this chapter I am going to talk about my friends from university. Well some of them at least.

Like I mentioned in the previous chapter, I was excited to join uni, and I was very determined to make a lot of friends. But also terrified at the same time because of my previous experiences with my ‘ex’ friends. 
What if they also hurt me like Andy and Natty did? What if no one likes me or wants to be my friend? These are just a few of some thoughts I had. I had many such terrifying thoughts.
Also at that point in my life I was very scared to be alone in public, I also used to have a lot of social anxiety, I hated to be alone in public, I always wanted someone to be there with me. I used to be so anxious in public that I couldn't even give my McDonalds order, I always had someone do it for me. So not having friends in college, in a new environment, was like the worst thing that could happen to me back then, or so I thought.
I still have a bit of social anxiety. I still hate being alone out in public, but I guess I got used to being alone now, so it's not as bad as it used to be. I mean right now I am out in a cafe all alone, writing this chapter, so I guess that is progress!?

Anyways back to the topic.

I don't know if I met Mon on my first day, but she was my first friend. We just connected. We almost had the same classes, except for one. So we would always be together. She was fun. We always had fun together. We made a lot of good memories together.
I thought I made a best friend for life.

She shared about her past with me, I shared mine. We both had different yet difficult past, especially teenhood. I think that was one of the reasons why we connected so well. 

We had this unsaid deal that if she was not coming to college I wouldn't go either and vice versa.
We didn't care if it was just us two in the beginning, we were enough.
She was my first friend who knew about Sam. She was there when he gave me my first ever rose. She was there when he asked me to be his girl, and she was also there when he broke my heart. She knew our story right from the beginning. That's why she was my special friend.

By the way, like I had mentioned in the previous chapter that we became friends with Sam's group of friends, actually Mon never liked them. She used to hang out with them for me. Though she was quite friendly with Sam and this other guy in the group, she didn't like the rest of them.

We later on made a lot of friends together.

So coming back to talking about my other friends, I think I became friends with Mina first and then Deva. So Mina was the new girl, I mean we all were new (lol), but she came from a totally different state, so everything was new for her here. Mina, I Mon and Mina's friend Shrey, we all used to hang out together. Shrey, not as much as Mina, Shrey used to join us only sometimes. But Mina, I and Mon became good friends.

Now about how Deva and I became friends, so Deva and I used to travel by the same means of transport and that's how we bonded. It was fun to travel together to college. We enjoyed it. I have come to miss it the most now. 

And slowly Deva became friends with all three of us.
We all were good friends like I said. We used to call ourselves veereys from the bollywood movie “Veerey Di Wedding”. For all those who are not familiar with the movie or the word, 'veerey' is a punjabi word that comes from the word 'veer', which means brothers. So basically veereys means bros. Obviously I came up with that name. I'm kinda filmy and dramatic if you didn't figure it out by now. I was so happy back then to have my veereys.

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