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Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

- Epicurus

Before you read this chapter I would like to say something. This chapter is not like my other chapters where I talk about some incidents from my past. This chapter is more on my thoughts. What I believe in.
A warning before you begin, if you get easily affected with other people's beliefs about certain things then I don't think you should read this chapter. Because I talk about my beliefs without any filter about myself in this chapter.



strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.

This is one of the definitions google provided for the word faith.

We all have had some kind of faith at some point in our lives. Some of us still do.

We all have believed that there is something strong, something powerful that is ruling over us, that is taking care of us, that has a plan for us.

We all once believed or still believe that there is someone or something above us, above human imagination and power.

People have different names for it like, God, Allah, Bhagwan, Theos, Dio, Debata, Shen, universe, energy etc etc.

I believed in it once too.

I wont say I was religious, because I wasn't. Not even when I was a kid.

I was born in a religious family though.

I remember when I was a kid, my father used to come and wake me up early in the morning, with a lot of kisses and hugs and then the first thing he would do when I would open my eyes is, he would make me pray. I used to not mind it then, but I didn't like it that much because I am not, and never was, a morning person. But I did believe in the almighty up above, back then.

But I never believed that they are different. I don't why, but I always thought that they are all the same. Just people gave them different names and stories of their existence. So, I never differentiated between people who believed in a different "GOD".

But my family did.

They think that our religion is the superior one and I should be grateful that I got the opportunity to practice it and that I should be involved more with the people who practiced the same faith.

But I thought that was wrong, even as a kid. You don't choose your religion when you are born and this "Almighty" doesn't choose it either. Because if he did, all christains should have been born with a cross birthmark, and all muslims with the star and crescent moon, and hindus with the omh and jews with their star and sikhs with their khanda, and so on for other religions.

Or is it that Christians have red blood and Muslims have blue and Sikhs have purple and Buddhist have pink???

It's not like that.

We all are the same. Yes we may have different skin colors and different features but that's not because of "god" it's not like if you have white skin "god" loves you and if you have black he doesn't. It's not like if you have round eyes you are superior and ones with small eyes are inferior. Skin colour and other bodily features are because of geographical variation and genetics and has nothing to do with how much he loves you.

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